In any developed language, including Russian,there are both simple words consisting of one root, and such lexemes that combine two or more roots. Many of these words denote terms and scientific concepts and contain a borrowed component. An example of such words are compound words with a root -met-. Let's look at them in more detail.
What does root mean-
Area of linguistics, studying the meaningwords, called lexicology. The lexical meaning can be found in the explanatory dictionary. It often happens that a word has not one, but several meanings. For example, needle can be a piece of clothing, partspruce or pine, as well as a protective "element" on the body of the hedgehog. But for the formation of complex words most often choose words that have one basic meaning.
Word toss in Russian means:
1. Throw something with force: throw spears.
2. Folding (hay).
Also the verb toss can be found in the steady expression “to tear and toss” - to get very angry, and in relation to fish - to “spawn”, which means “to produce”.
The first meaning of this word - “throw, throw” - is the main one. It was this meaning that was originally laid in the root-met- and it was from him that many complex words were formed in the Russian language.
How complex words are formed
Difficult words in Russian are formed byadhesions of several roots. In this case, between the two parts of the future complex word put a hyphen or separative vowel "o" or "e". As a rule, hyphens are used in those lexemes that consist of two words belonging to an adjacent group of concepts. For example, both "red" and "yellow" are the names of colors. Combining these words will give the complex token "red-yellow", between the parts of which should be put a hyphen.
If it is necessary to form a completely newconcept by comparing lexical meanings of words of different nature, a separating vowel will be used between parts of such a complex term. For example, the word “milk” - “liquid, which some animals and humans feed babies”, and the word “plant” - “a place where consumer goods are produced” are not connected in any way by their meaning. However, as a result of combining these words, a new lexeme appeared, denoting a factory for the production of food products from milk - "dairy plant".
Where to find complex words with the right root
If you know that a certain word is second part complex lexeme, pick up one-root words withoutappealing to a special dictionary will not be so easy. You can, of course, try to find an article with the necessary root in the usual explanatory dictionary and read examples of the use of this lexeme. But it is best to use the so-called reverse, or inverse, dictionary.
There are reverse Russian language dictionaries inonline mode, and they can also be downloaded free of charge in PDF format. The principle of these lexicographical works is that all the words in them are arranged in alphabetical order of the last letters. As a rule, in reverse dictionaries there is no interpretation of words, but this is not part of their task. But you can easily find the root of the desired word.
Is it possible to independently determine the meaning of compound words?
Sometimes, if a complex lexeme is composed of words,existing and widespread in the Russian language, you can try to determine its value. The first thing to do is to find the root of the word, and then try to interpret its meaning.
For example, it is easy to understand that the word “steamboat” consists of two parts - “steam” and “stroke”. Hence, a steamer is a machine that moves (“walks”) at the expense of a steam engine.
The word "fabulist" also has in its compositiontwo roots - "fable" and "pic". The last root of the word is derived from the verb "write." The suffix -ets- means a person (cf. merchant, sly, sage). Hence, the fabulist is a man who writes fables.
It seems that everything is very simple - you just needfind the root of the word. Now try to understand the following words without reference to the dictionaries: quasi-scientific, bone-carving, carnivorous, waterworks, ovule. Isn't it true, without turning to a dictionary to understand the meaning of these words is not at all easy, if, of course, you do not have education in the field of agronomy, mechanics and technology.
Examples of compound words with the root -met-
What are they? Compound words with the root -met- designate objects that can produce a throwing or throwing action. Below are some examples of such tokens:
- The banker is the one who deals the cards during the game.
- Water cannon - 1) apparatus designed to emitjets of water; 2) a vessel that moves, thanks to a special mechanism based on the release of water under high pressure; 3) in the past the fountain was so called, but now this value is outdated.
- Gasometer - a device designed to measure gas consumption. In other words, the gas meter.
- A grenade launcher is a weapon that is used to fire grenades.
- Icromet is the process and time when a fish spawns. Synonym: spawning.
- Kamnemet is an ancient military cannon that fired stone cores.
- A mortar is a type of modern artillery weapon firing mines.
- Flamethrower - an old military weapon, designed to defeat manpower at close range with a hot jet of resin or other liquid mixture.
- Sandblasting is a technical term for the mechanism intended for compaction of sand.
- A machine gun is an automatic weapon that shoots a large number of bullets at the same time.
As can be seen from the above examples, compound words with the root -met- are most often used to name weapons and machines used in engineering.
Other words with part -met-
Корень -мет- встречается не только в словах, formed from the verb "to throw." But also in those lexemes that are derived from the verb "mark". Therefore, it is not always possible to understand the meaning of the lexeme, knowing only the root of the word. Examples: "markup", "mark" (assessment) and "pick up" (the process of plowing the land for subsequent sowing). However, the word "to fly" is formed from the verb "to throw." Because it means the process of quickly raising up. But this lexeme is not complicated, because it consists of the root -met- and prefixes--.
But in the words "subject", "beshmet" (subjectclothes of the Turkic peoples), "umet" (parking place in the steppe), "neymet" (that which cannot be grasped, obtained) the component -met- is only part of the root.
Thus, we see that compound words with a root, met- most often denote mechanisms that have the property of quickly throwing away, "throwing."