/ / Words with two prefixes: 3rd class

Words with two prefixes: 3rd class

Morphemica is one of the most interestingsections of the Russian language. Analyze word forms for morphemes, determine the basics, conduct morphemic analysis - fascinating classes. In the words of the Russian language there is a different composition of morphemes. The article will describe the words with two prefixes.

words with two prefixes

The word composition

The word composition can include such morphemes asroot, prefix, suffix, postfix and ending. In Russian grammar morpheme is defined as the minimum unit of those with which the meaning is inherent. For example, Xia is a postfix denoting a return action, the prefix without- indicates a lack of something, the prefix pre- gives the word the meaning of the timeliness of something. There are word forms in which morphemes are strung together. For example, words with two prefixes, a root, a suffix and an ending: deprived, exhausted, not without interest.

words with two prefixes, root, suffix and ending

Prefixes in Russian

The prefix (it's a prefix) is specialmorphema in the Russian language. It stands in front of the root, in some cases between two roots. Unlike other affixes, it has greater autonomy, since sometimes a side stress falls on it. For example, in words ultra-pasteurized, aircraft, anti-crisis. Or words with two prefixes, where the first prefix is ​​stressed: superconductor, superregenerator. Such prefixes, having an indirect independent stress, are called prefixoids by some scientists.

words with two prefixes, root and ending

Prefixes have homonymous prepositions, perhaps,this explains their compatibility with any part of speech. If the suffixes in most cases relate to one or another part of the speech, the prefixes do not. For example, the suffix -Nick- is the suffix of the noun, -Well- - a verbal suffix, -Yes represents the sacrament; and the prefix, for example, at can be in the noun (increase), and in verbs (come), and in the adjective (coastal). Or words with two prefixes and two suffixes, where the prefixes do not depend on the part of speech of the word form, and the suffixes - on the contrary: re-elect, re-issue, invent, decorate.

Words with multiple prefixes

The words, which contain several consoles, are often found in Russian. For example, word forms with a binary prefix bi-. This is the unit of measurement in which the prefix designates the multiplication of a number by the power of two: kibibyte, exbyte, gibibyte. There are words where identical prefixes stand side by side: hopeless, unknown. Console by- often connects with others to give the word additional meaning. So, words with two prefixes before last, forgotten, the day before yesterday have the common meaning attached by the connected prefixes - the precedence of something. A similar composition for words with prefixes by- and on-, which often, joining the third prefix, give the word the additional meaning of excessive action: ponapratyvat, ponaraskazyvat.

words with two prefixes and two suffixes

Words with two prefixes. Grade 3

To study the morphemic composition of words begin inprimary school. One way to attract the attention of students to the topic is the task of determining the morpheme composition of words, often used by schoolchildren. As a task for self-fulfillment, students are asked to select word forms for certain schemes.

For example, a short text is given: Detective, not unknown in this city, took upa matter that could not be unraveled for several years. The question concerned one of the leaders of a large company that was convicted of a crime. Because of this, he did not want to be re-elected for a new term.

In this text it is necessary to find words with two prefixes, a root, a suffix and an ending. Correct answer: not unknown and reelect.

words with two prefixes 3rd grade

Analysis of words with several prefixes

In Russian, which is not inherent in longwords, few words containing more than four morphemes. The main stock of the language consists of short words. However, there are words consisting of many roots. For example, complex adjectives electrometallurgical, four hundred and sixty. Or words with several prefixes. For example, words with two prefixes, a root and an ending: presented, questioned, sold out. There are words with a lot of suffixes, for example settling, teaching. Word forms, in which there are many morphemes, are rarelyare found in texts and speeches. But they are, and they are quite a large number. It is important to be able to correctly separate word forms into minimal parts - morphemes. This is helped by the algorithm of morphemic analysis:

  • change the word form to find the ending;
  • construct a word-formation pair for distinguishing the word-formation morpheme;
  • select all transparent morphemes, for example -ya, -l, -information and others;
  • pick up root words for root search;
  • highlight the root;
  • Find words with the same affixes;
  • determine the boundaries of affixes.

This is an approximate algorithm of morphemic analysis. Some of its points can be omitted, depending on the specific word.

Unique prefixes and other morphemes

The Russian language includes a group of words withcalled unique morphemes, that is, those that occur in only one word. In some words, the root and morphemes are inseparable: the root is found only together with certain morphemes: shoe - root -u not free, wear - root -de- not free. Such roots are called bound, they do not occur without affixes.

In Russian there are unique affixes. Their appearance is associated with the history of the language, so one or the other affix can only be explained through etymology. For example, a word one-year-old, in which there is a unique suffix -oval-, is explained by the fact that in the past a verb was used in the language to go - one year, and the person who spent a year somewhere was called one year old There are words to explain the meaning of unique morphemes in which it is difficult. So suffix -av- in a word oak wood or suffix -as- in a word frills are unique. Or words with two prefixes that are unique are prefixes. wonder and ba- in words grimy and to brag.