/ / Small genres of folklore: the meaning of the word "fiction"

Small genres of folklore: the meaning of the word "sentence"

The meaning of the word "sentence" can be interpreteddifferently. First of all, the term implies a set of words used to give a special meaning to a separate phrase. It allows you to express your thoughts more colorfully, while the sentence is comic. As a similar phrase can use rhymes, sayings and sayings from folk art.

the meaning of the word

The meaning of the word "sentence" in the literature

In literary language, a verdict is calledphrase that reflects some phenomenon of life and refers to a small genre - folklore. Unlike proverbs, the sentence is not a complete sentence and does not hide an instructive meaning in itself.

Syntactic and morphological properties

To understand the meaning of the word "verdict", it can be disassembled by syntactic and morphological features. The term is deciphered by syllables as "pri-go-thief".

This is a noun, feminine and inanimate. The word has a prefix - "at", the root - "speaking", the suffix - "to", and "a" stands for an ending.

Similar words

The meaning of the word "sentence" can be understood by its synonyms: sentence, proverb, proverb, proverb, joke, hint.

Examples of sentences

Most often, sentences are addressed to nature, everyday life and everyday activities. They are often told to children to pay attention to everything that is surrounded by childish gazes.

Children's verdicts during games are original requests for help in good deeds, addressed to nature - to the river, to the wind, to the rain.

the meaning of the word fiction in literature

Apple tree branch,

Breed is strong,

Neither rare nor dense,

The fruits are full!


White mushroom, boletus,

Smooth head,

Show yourself, are you chalky,

I'll give you a carrot.

the meaning of the word
The sentences are very simple in understanding and sounding. They have no hidden meaning, but are able to cheer the listener.