Giving the task to make out the word by composition, manyteachers are faced with the fact that not all children cope with it correctly and quickly. In fact, the algorithm of this procedure is quite simple. It is important to initially create this ability for schoolchildren, so that they do not have problems later.
Decomposing a word by composition means highlighting insignificant parts. The ability to perform this action is useful when mastering many spelling rules. The main methods are selection of forms, as well as finding single-structure and single-root words. It is recommended, when singling out this or that morpheme, to determine its grammatical meaning.
Before you disassemble the word by composition, you needTo determine which part of the speech it refers to. It is necessary to do this in order to understand whether it is variable or not (in the latter case, it will not end). Then the stem of the word is highlighted. In such parts of speech as an interjection, an adverb or an excuse of the ending is not, and it is not noted at all. If it is supposedly possible, but it is not in the word (for example, a bridge), then it is designated as "zero". The rest is called the "base". To distinguish the end, the word is changed (nouns by case, adjectives by gender, etc.).

В основе слова заключается его лексическое value. From it, in turn, the remaining parts are allocated. The basic lexical load is at the root. This is an unchangeable part, considered the main one. Groups of words that have the same root are called "single-root". For example: a plant, a plant, a sub-plant, and so on.
If you look at the word "preparation" by composition, thenyou can see that the end here is the morpheme -a, the root-ready-for-us. Next, you need to pay attention to the suffix and prefix. It is worth noting that they differ mainly depending on the part of speech. In order to identify them, it is necessary to choose a group of single-structure words.

The prefix is considered a significant part. It is used to form words that have a different meaning.
Suffixes are found after the root. In the noun, "preparation" is -k-. This part serves to form a new word or its form.
It should be noted that in some cases there may be several roots, for example, steam-about-stroke, vert-o-years, etc.
In other situations, a word can be formed with the help of several prefixes or suffixes.

After all, for most groups, their morphemes are characteristic. It is worth mentioning and postfix, part of the word, which occurs at the end of the verbs (-a, -a, -e) and some pronouns (-or, -that).
He is not referred to inflexions (endings). In school textbooks, postfix is called a suffix and is denoted by the same sign. For example, in the word "laughed" there will be an ending -a- ("laughed", "laughed").
Postfix in this case. When parsing this word, it is necessary not to forget to include it in the basis.