The doctor in our time - one of the most popular and honorable professions. This specialist is respected, hoped for, thanks to him.
Clinical Laboratory Positiondiagnostics may be held by a person who has a higher education in the field of medicine, as well as having received training or specialization in a relevant specialty after university.
In the job description of a QLD physician, the main duties, the responsibility that the specialist assumes and his rights are determined.
What you need to know this specialist?
The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics (jobs in St. Petersburg interest many) needs to know:
- The main provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to health.
- Regulatory and legal documents that regulate the activities of medical institutions.
- The main rules of the organization of medical, as well aspreventive care in hospitals, outpatient and polyclinic institutions, emergency and first aid services, disaster medicine services, provision of the population with medicines.
- Principles, theoretical foundations and methods of clinical examination.
- Fundamentals of the organization of health and its economy.
- Basics of social hygiene.
- The basic principles of organizational and economic activities of medical institutions.
- Basics of deontology and medical ethics.
- Legal regulations concerning medicine.
- The main methods, as well as the principles of laboratory, instrumental, clinical diagnosis of the functionality of the systems of the human body, individual organs.
- Pathogenesis, symptomatic manifestations, features of development and course, etymology and the main principles of complex therapy of common pathologies and diseases.
- Basics of sanitation.
- Basics of ITU (medical and social expertise) and examination of the state of temporary disability.
- The main rules by which emergency medical care is provided.
- The internal regulations established in a medical institution.
- Occupational safety standards, rules and safety.
Additional knowledge
By virtue of his specialty, the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics should have knowledge of:
- On the general issues of the organization of laboratory activities in the country.
- About modern methods of laboratory diagnostics.
- Content and sections of the QLD as an independent discipline.
- On the tasks, organization, structure, staff, equipment of the QLD service.
- On the current regulatory, guidance and methodological documents in the specialty.
- On the rules of medical documents.
- On the principles of laboratory reporting and principles of activity planning.
- On the methods and procedure for monitoring its work.
Who is appointed?
A QLD physician may be appointed and dismissed from it in accordance with the order of the head physician of the health care facility, as well as on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics reports directly to the head of the QLD. If this is absent, then - to the head or deputy health care facility.
Main responsibilities
A QLD physician is required to conduct laboratory tests in strict accordance with the duties that were assigned to him. The specialist must:
- Ensure the use of methods that are diagnostically and analytically reliable.
- Participate in the study and implementation of new equipment and research methods.
- Advise other doctors on issues related to laboratory diagnosis.
- To make recommendations for employees of health facilities on the principles and rules for the collection and subsequent delivery of biological samples to QLD.
- Participate in the interpretation of the results obtained in the course of laboratory research.
- To carry out activities aimed at conducting external and internal laboratory quality control of the research.
- Analyze your own work, as well asactivities of specialists with secondary education who obey him. The vacancy "doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics" in St. Petersburg is very popular.
- Prepare reports on the work done every month, take part in the preparation of the laboratory report at the end of the year.
- Conduct classes in the field of specialty with specialists with secondary education in order to improve their skills.
- Monitor compliance with safety regulations, as well as sanitary and epidemic regime by junior and middle medical personnel.
- Manage the activities of subordinate junior and nurses, if any.
- To monitor the correct conduct of research in the laboratory, the operation of tools, equipment and apparatus.
- To monitor the rational use of reagents and compliance with the rules on safety and labor protection.
- Plan and analyze the quantitative and qualitative indicators of their own work. The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics is a responsible position.
- To provide high-quality and timely execution of the necessary medical documentation, following the established rules.
- To carry out sanitary and educational work.
- Follow the principles and rules of ethics and ethics.
- Timely and efficiently execute orders, instructions and orders of the management of the institution.
- To observe the internal schedule, fire safety, safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime.
- Take quick action including informationguidelines related to the elimination of violations of the established rules on safety, sanitary and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of health facilities, its employees, visitors and patients.
- Systematically improve their own qualifications.
Additional specialist features
Next, find out what rights the doctor has clinical laboratory diagnostics. Jobs can be searched in the media and on the Internet.
Qld doctor's rights
In addition to his duties, the job description of the physician’s doctor also contains the rights that he is vested with. Thus, a QLD doctor can:
- Engaged in independent laboratory research and interpretation of their results.
- Осуществлять контроль работы сотрудников, которые are subordinate to him, to give them tasks and orders that are within their competence and official duties, also to require their implementation.
- Participate in meetings, scientific and practical conferences, if they are related to its work.
- Request and use information, regulatory documents that are required for the performance of official duties.
- To make to the management proposals that relate to administrative, economic, paraclinical services and directly its activities.
Thus, the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics (a large number of vacancies in Moscow) can enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Responsibility of a Qld doctor
Job description also contains informationresponsibility, which is assigned to the doctor kld. The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics is responsible for untimely, poor performance of official duties, non-compliance with safety regulations, as well as the established internal order, failure to provide statistical and other information reflecting its activities, non-operational measures, non-compliance with official duties of his subordinates.
If a QLD doctor does not comply with labor discipline,the law does not fulfill or improperly performs its duties, then, depending on the severity of the offense, disciplinary, administrative, material or criminal liability may be imposed on it.
We have considered the job description of the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics.