/ / I wonder where are lymph nodes in a person?

I wonder where are the lymph nodes in humans?

The human body is unique in nature, becausethere are collected so many different nuances and trivialities, without which the life of everyone would simply be impossible. This article will discuss where the lymph nodes are located in humans.

where there are lymph nodes in humans

What it is?

В первую очередь хочется разобраться в самом concept. So, what is a lymph node? This is a small size (roughly with a pea or a bean, the size can range within 0.5-20 mm) of the formation, which are located throughout the body along the lymphatic system of the body. They feel soft to the touch, they are probed through the skin. They are located throughout the human body, the only place where they are absent - under the cranium in the brain. They perform a number of important functions for the body, from the creation of immune cells such as antibodies, phagocytes and lymphocytes, ending with the active participation, even in metabolic and digestive processes.


So, where are the lymph nodes in humans?If you say simply - throughout the body. In the total number of them can be from 400 to 1000. These formations are located in the places of passage of blood vessels. The largest of them can be felt in the neck, armpits and groin, but in a healthy working condition they are practically not perceptible. It should also be said that lymph nodes are responsible for the work of nearby organs. So, for example, if the cervical lymph node is inflamed, it indicates that there are problems with the throat, if the inguinal - with the genitourinary system, etc.

human lymph node scheme

Head and neck

Теперь хочется более подробно рассказать о том, where are the lymph nodes in a person on the head and neck. So, the first group of them is located in the back of the head, about 5 cm back from the ear. The second group - around the ears, in front and behind, the third - submandibular and chin, which can most often be felt with inflammation. The next group will not be able to probe, because they are located deep under the skin - these are deep and superficial cervical lymph nodes.


Where are the lymph nodes in a person's torso?In the first place - in the armpit, they can also be easily felt with inflammations. Women have a group of lymphatic vessels of the breast. There are also okolorudnye, intercostal, prevertebral and parasteral lymph nodes, as well as formations that work around the organs - tracheobronchial, tracheal, bronchopulmonary, juxta-esophageal, pericardial, etc. lymph nodes.

human lymph nodes photo


Diagram of human lymph nodes in the pelvic region: these are the lumbar, external and internal iliac, superficial and deep inguinal lymphatic bonds.


В конечностях также располагаются лимфоузлы у person Photos can be the first confirmation and illustrative example. In the hands there are axillary and elbow, in the legs - deep and superficial lymph nodes located throughout the limb.

How to feel the inflamed lymph node?

You can do it yourself.For this you need to feel the pads of the middle and index fingers in the neck, armpit, hip area. If you feel skin and bone - everything is fine. If under the fingers it is possible to catch the nodules, which can hurt a little when pressed, this indicates that the lymph node is inflamed. It should not self-medicate, and contact a specialist.