/ / Divine Dessert Ambrosia: recipe

Divine dessert "Ambrosia": recipe for cooking

This is a light vitamin dessert, which will be glad the whole family. In the preparation of commonly used fruit, both fresh and canned.

ambrosia recipe

Salad "Ambrosia": a classic recipe

Main Ingredients:

  • sour cream;
  • oranges (500 grams);
  • one coconut;
  • one pineapple;
  • miniature marshmallows (ten pieces).

Cooking process

We will use only fresh and ripe fruit.Prepare a coconut. Using a screwdriver, make two holes in the shell. Pour the milk. Heat the oven to medium temperature and bake coconut for fifteen minutes. After the time expires, take out the fruit and wrap it in a towel. Next hit with a hammer on the coconut. It should split into several parts. A tablespoon of pulp out of the shell. We rub it on a grater. Now prepare the pineapple. Cut off the top and bottom. Place the pineapple on a cutting board vertically and cut off the peel with a large knife. Remove the eyes. Next, cut into four pieces. Get rid of the core. Cut each part in half with a knife. Cut into pieces. Getting to the oranges. Wash, cut off the peel and remove the white flesh. Cut the peeled orange into slices. Put all the fruits in a bowl, add coconut chips and marshmallows. Pour sour cream. As a dressing, you can use yogurt. The taste of the salad becomes more tender. Mix everything. In the salad, you can use canned fruit.

ambrosia salad

Cranberry Ambrosia Recipe

Main Ingredients:

  • cranberry (half a cup);
  • coconut (half a cup);
  • sour cream;
  • Almonds (1/2 cup);
  • banana;
  • small marshmallows;
  • dried tangerine.

Cooking process

Take canned pineapples.Drain excess water from the can. Cut into small pieces. Chop nuts. Banana peel and cut into cubes. Mandarin chopped. All ingredients mix and sour cream fill. Put in the fridge.

salads recipes with photos

Dessert Ambrosia: a recipe for pancakes

Main Ingredients:

  • three eggs;
  • flour (one glass);
  • butter;
  • tangerines (300 grams);
  • coconut flakes;
  • salt (half tablespoon);
  • milk (1.5 cups);
  • pineapple (500 grams);
  • strawberries (200 grams);
  • Yoghurt (3/4 cup).

ambrosia recipe

Cooking process

First let's get to the pancakes.Take a bowl and beat the eggs. Add flour, milk, salt and butter. Beat well, best with a mixer. Then cover with a lid. For an hour, put in the fridge. And now proceed to the preparation of the filling. All fruits and berries are washed, peeled and cut into cubes. Fill with yogurt. For an hour, put in the fridge. Now we take the mass for making pancakes. While the dessert "Ambrosia" is cooled, we will make pancakes. But first, mix well the mixture again. Preheat pan and bake pancakes. Do not forget to lubricate them with oil. Now every pancake pour ambrosia.

Dessert "Ambrosia": a recipe with amaretto

ambrosia recipe

Main Ingredients:

  • sugar (one glass);
  • water (one glass);
  • one orange;
  • blackberries (one glass);
  • two peaches;
  • cream (two glasses);
  • Amaretto (three tablespoons);
  • fresh ginger;
  • two kiwis;
  • two plums;
  • a pineapple;
  • coconut shaving;
  • powdered sugar.

Cooking process

Syrup is first made. Dissolve sugar in water.Grate ginger and add to the liquid. Pour into a small saucepan and warm. Bring to a boil, then put on a minimum heat and cook for twenty minutes. Syrup cool. All fruits are peeled, cut into cubes with a knife. Put them in a large bowl and sprinkle with coconut chips. Pour ginger syrup. Stir thoroughly. Whip cream (30%) with a whisk, combine with amaretto. We take a tall glass, put the fruit mixture, and on top a layer of whipped cream. Everything is ready, you can serve!

How nice in the summer to try such a fresh dessert.Paying attention to this article, you will know how you can cook these delicious original salads. Recipes with photos will help you imagine what awaits you. This wonderful dish will decorate a homemade breakfast, as well as a children's holiday. Enjoy your meal!