/ / Mushrooms canned for the winter: recipes in jars

Mushrooms canned for the winter: recipes in jars

Honey mushrooms are very tasty and healthy mushrooms. They are used not only fried, but also pickled. After all, it is very pleasant to open a jar of mushrooms in the winter time to any dish or simply on a festive table.

From the article you will learn how to choose the right mushrooms. And also consider a few basic recipes for canned mushrooms for the winter.

Mushroom selection

Опята бывают не только съедобными, но и ложными.Therefore, an unknowing person can choose the wrong mushrooms, which would entail disastrous consequences. To avoid this, learn how to choose them. After all, even in the store can be sold poisonous mushrooms.

So, both species grow in the sameplaces. Therefore, they are difficult to distinguish. However, on the legs of the edible fungus, under the very cap, there is a membranous small ring in the form of a skirt, and the false mushrooms have no such thing.

Aroma is another significant difference. Edible mushrooms smell like mushrooms, and false - ordinary soil. You can also distinguish both types by color.

wild winter-canned recipes

False mushrooms are brighter, more colorful, which I really want to try. They can be either bright yellow or red. Edible mushrooms are only light brown.

In false mushrooms, the cap is smooth, beautiful, andthese - scaly. An experienced person will immediately see the differences. If you don’t understand mushrooms, then the main feature for you is a membranous ring. Therefore, immediately pay attention to this indicator. Since you already know how to choose mushrooms, you can cook them. Next, consider a few recipes.

Classic pickling mushrooms

Consider the usual recipe cannedfor the winter on one three-liter jar. For this, mushrooms are cleaned from dirt and excess films. Then they are boiled in plain salted water until ready.

In the meantime, prepare brine in three liters of water.3 tbsp is added to the tank. l sugar (try to taste), and then pour and the same amount of salt (possibly less). Put the liquid on the fire and after boiling pour 80 ml of the usual 9% vinegar. Dry buds of cloves (2-4 pieces), allspice or ordinary pepper - 6 peas, as well as one lavrushka are put here. We are waiting for boiling marinade.

When the mushrooms are ready, let them cool slightly. Then gently spread with a slotted spoon in a boiling marinade, in which mushrooms must be cooked until fully cooked.

how to preserve the winter mushroom recipes

Spread hot mushrooms in a sterile three-liter jar. After that, mushrooms are poured marinade and rolled.

Add cinnamon

There is a zest in this recipe that will addspicy mushrooms. To make them, pour water (1 liter) into the pot, which is placed on the fire to boil, after which 3 sticks of cinnamon and a few peas (best of all-sweet) are put. Then pour salt and sugar to taste. As a rule, the marinade should be salty and sweet at the same time. Now put 5 buds of cloves dry and a couple of leaves of Lavrushka. Vinegar is not needed. All together boil for 3 minutes. The pot is removed from the heat and vinegar is added to it.

Mushrooms (2 kg) are boiled in plain water for 5 minutes. After that, the old water is drained, and the new is typed. It is necessary to salt and put the mushrooms boil until cooked.

All foam during cooking must be removed.When the mushrooms are ready, they are put in jars and filled with marinade prepared in advance. Then roll up and clean in a cool place. As you may have guessed, the zest is cinnamon. It was she who gives the mushrooms a special spice.

winter mushroom cooking recipes

Now you already know several recipes of canned mushrooms for the winter. If you stick to the recipe, the mushrooms are juicy, tasty and fragrant.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mushrooms

Thanks to this recipe, the mushrooms are verygentle. For their preparation, small mushrooms (1 kg) are cleaned of dirt and film, and then put to boil in salted water for about 40 minutes (until ready). Then the prepared mushrooms are laid out in a colander so that all the liquid is gone.

Meanwhile, the marinade is being prepared:water (0.5 l) is poured into the container and 4 lavrushki are put, 3 whole cloves of garlic (for flavor), peppercorns (several pieces), sugar and salt to taste (approximately 1 tbsp. l.), and dried clove buds ( 2-3 pcs.) And last of all 50 ml of apple cider vinegar is poured (can be replaced with grape if desired).

recipe for winter mushrooms canned mushrooms

When the liquid boils, we put the mushrooms in it and boil for about 10 minutes so that they are saturated with aroma and taste.

Then we spread the mushrooms on sterile jars, pour the marinade in them - and you can roll. As you can see, there are many different recipes for preparing canned mushrooms for the winter.

Bulgarian mushrooms

There are several Bulgarian recipescanned mushrooms for the winter, but we will consider only one - the classic. To prepare them, pour ½ tbsp. Into the pan. water, add salt (1 tablespoon), bay leaf (2 pcs.), 10 ml of vinegar and peas (5 pcs.). Mix the mass well, add mushrooms to it (they will let the juice in) and put it all together on a slow fire. As a rule, mushrooms cook about 30 minutes.

When the mushrooms are ready, get them with a slotted spoonand lay them on the jars, cover, sterilize - and you can safely roll up. You got tasty and juicy canned mushrooms in the banks for the winter.

Add garlic

This is the same recipe as the previous one.The only difference is that garlic is added to the marinade, which gives the dish even more flavor and spice. As a rule, you need to take 3 cloves of garlic, but it all depends on your preferences and the product itself. In some cases, you can add a whole head.

wild winter-seasoned recipes without vinegar

Mushrooms will not become sharp, since during cookinggarlic disappears bitter taste, but at the same time marinade turns out interesting and unforgettable aroma. We looked at another recipe for mushrooms for the winter - canned mushrooms with garlic, which emphasizes the flavor.

Marinated mushrooms without vinegar

There are many recipes for canned winter season without vinegar. However, in this case it is necessary to add citric acid. Prepare such foods and spices:

Опята (1 кг) тщательно вымываем и очищаем.Next, pour the water into the mushrooms and wait for boiling. Then boil the mushrooms for another 5 minutes and drain the water, then lay them in a colander to get all the liquid. Then we again fill the honey agarics with running water and boil them until full readiness.

Тем временем в кастрюлю наливаем 5 стаканов воды and add salt and sugar to taste. As a rule, it is enough for only 1 tbsp. l., but you can and more, depending on your preferences. In the same container we put a few leaves of lavrushechka (2-3 pieces), 4 buds of cloves, garlic cloves at its discretion and 1 tbsp. l citric acid.

canned honey agarics recipe for winter crunchy

When the liquid with the spices boils, ready mushrooms are laid out here. They boil for another 5-10 minutes. Then hot mushrooms are laid out on sterile jars and immediately rolled up.

Crispy canned mushrooms: a recipe for the winter

To cook delicious, fragrant and crunchy mushrooms, you must adhere to the recipe. First, mushrooms (2 kg) should be soaked in cold salted water for about 40 minutes.

When time is up, we pour out the water, pour in a new andPut the fungus on a slow fire to boil. After that, pour out the liquid, and throw back the mushrooms in a colander. While water flows from them, we prepare the marinade: pour 80 ml of water into the container, and pour salt and sugar into it approximately 1 tbsp. l If the brine is too salty or sweet, add a little water, then put peppercorns (8 pcs.), A little lavrushchek for aroma and piquancy (about 2-3 pcs.) And 5 buds of cloves. Stir the spices, and pour 30 ml of the usual 9% vinegar here.

В приготовленный маринад выкладываем грибочки и cook until ready (20-30 minutes). Hot honey agarics are poured into jars and rolled up. You can sterilize the mushrooms together with the container, and then you can be sure that they will stand until winter.

Marinating features

You have learned a few basic recipes for canned mushrooms for the winter. However, there are some features of marinating, which every hostess needs to be aware of:

  1. In one liter jar is placed 1 kg of pickled mushrooms of medium size. At the same time, if you take as many mushrooms, but fresh, then they fit in three liter jars.

  2. Not only fresh mushrooms, but also frozen ones are suitable for pickling. It is not necessary to thaw them before canning.

  3. Mushrooms must be soaked before marinating.or boil it in ordinary salted water with citric acid so that all harmful substances come out of them. As a rule, acid helps mushrooms retain their natural color.

  4. While mushrooms are boiled, be sure to remove the foam, which periodically appears on the surface of the water.

  5. Canned mushrooms are more tender and tasty if the marinade for them is cooked in mushroom broth, and not in plain water.

  6. Clove is a must-have ingredient for pickling, as it is the one that gives the mushrooms an appropriate flavor.

  7. All ingredients are placed in the marinade and must be boiled for at least 5 minutes. Then you can be sure that our conservation will last until winter and will not deteriorate ahead of time.

  8. Если грибы собирались на лугу, тогда повара It is recommended to remove the main leg length. You can leave only at the base of the cap about 2 cm. However, you do not need to throw out the legs, because of them you can make an additional tasty dish.

  9. If the caps are too large, they can be cut in half. So they get ready much faster.

  10. If you plan to store mushrooms until winter, then not metal caps are suitable, but metal, but they must be sterilized beforehand in order to avoid unpleasant diseases.

Now you know not only canned recipes for winter, but also features of pickling. Therefore, you must get tasty and fragrant mushrooms.


So, now you know how to preserve the mushrooms for the winter. The recipes are simple, which do not require complex and expensive ingredients. Therefore, each hostess can cook pickled mushrooms.

canned mushrooms for the winter

If you add other flavored marinadespices, taste and aroma of mushrooms turn out to be more saturated. In any recipe, it is desirable to experiment. Thus, each hostess will be able to create her own author, original and unique dish.