/ / Tomatoes canned with basil for the winter

Tomatoes canned with basil for the winter

Many housewives are engaged in the fact thatHarvest for the winter various pickles - eggplants, cucumbers and, among other things, tomatoes. Below we will just share how to prepare canned tomatoes with basil for the winter.

tomatoes canned with basil

Choice of basil

The special feature of this recipe is theHim basil. This wonderful grass can be both fresh and dried - there is no particular difference in which of them to choose for conservation. In any case, tomatoes, preserved with basil, will turn out to be aromatic and spicy to taste.


The number of ingredients listed here,corresponds to approximately 4.5-5 liters of the finished product. So, in order to prepare tomatoes, canned with basil, you need about five liters of tomatoes and about 3 teaspoons of basil (if it is dried, otherwise - a few twigs). In addition, it will be nice to have:

  • laurel leaf (8-10 leaflets),
  • black pepper (pepper should be not ground, but peas, 15 pieces will be quite enough),
  • allspice (also peas and in the same amount),
  • garlic (10-12 denticles will suffice),
  • dill (if you use fresh, it will take about 6 umbrellas, if you prefer dried seeds, then half the teaspoon will be enough for the recipe)
  • vinegar (the volume is calculated based on the proportion: 1 teaspoon vinegar per 1.5 liters of product).

tomatoes with basil canned

Ingredients for brine

To prepare a brine (and it will take approximately 600 ml for every 1.5 liters of the product), you will need several liters of water, 6 tablespoons of salt and 17-19 tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking process

First of all, you need to prepare a container, inwhich will store your tomatoes, that is, glass jars. They must be washed and carefully sterilized in boiling water and steam. Similarly, you should do the lids with which you will roll your tomatoes. Now you need to prepare your tomatoes. To prepare excellent tomatoes with basil, canned or any other, they must always be previously washed, after which they need to allow time to dry. If among them there are limp, spoiled, decayed vegetables, they should be removed - they are not suitable for sunsets.

When the banks are ready, at the bottom of each of themEqual parts are required to put all the spices you have prepared, that is, pepper, dill, garlic, bay leaves and, of course, basil, since we are preparing tomatoes, preserved with basil. When all the spices are laid, you can lay the already dried up by then tomatoes.

Now turn to the preparation of brine. Immediately it must be said: to make tomatoes, canned with basil, really tasty, we will pour the pickle into the banks in two stages.

canned tomatoes with basil for the winter

So, in the usual way, that is, cook on the stovemarinade of all that was listed above (except for vinegar). When your pickle boils, it needs to be poured into jars with tomatoes and left in that state for a quarter of an hour or a little more. But it is better not to withstand more than twenty minutes. When the specified period expires, the brine needs to be drained from the cans back into the pan and boil again. While the marinade will be re-boiled, vinegar should be poured in equal parts into jars. After that, the already boiled pickle needs to be poured over the banks again and immediately rolled up. Ready jars need to cool to room temperature. To do this correctly, they need to be put on a warm cloth, turned upside down. Above the jar is also better to wrap in some kind of wool blanket. In this form, they should stand up to cool completely, after which they can be removed for storage. Tomatoes with basil, preserved or pickled, should be stored in a place not permeable to light at room temperature or slightly lower. Not bad in the city apartment closet, and in a private house ideal cellar.