There are several recipes for cooking salmon soup,and all of them are always popular with people of different nationalities. The first of this fish, which has excellent taste, is cooked in different ways. Ear in Russian - from the head of salmon, in the hunting - with cereals (for example, with millet), in Finnish - with the addition of cream.
How to cook salmon soup in Russian
For the dishes will need:
- salmon head - 1 pc .;
- 3 medium potatoes;
- 2-3 carrots;
- 1 onion;
- A pair of teaspoons of salt;
- 3 liters of water;
- spices: 5 bay leaves and 8 pea-flavored black pepper.
Кастрюля нужна небольшая, трехлитровая или чуть more voluminous, but for soup from one head more than 3 liters of water cannot be poured - it will not be tasty. If you need more soup - add the tail and fins of salmon in the broth, then the amount of water can be increased accordingly. The fish must be taken exactly chilled, not frozen.
Перед тем, как варить уху из семги, рыбу нужно rinse and scrape. It is imperative to cut the gills out of the head, and then rinse the place where they were once more well. If you leave the gills, the dish will get an unpleasant bitter taste. Also, they may remain small debris and harmful substances that, no matter how washed, still fall into the plate.
The treated pieces of fish should be put inpot, then pour cold water. Start cooking better on high heat. The broth, brought to a boil, can be removed from the foam with the help of a skimmer, so that the soup is transparent and appetizing.
The head should boil for about five minutes, after whichPeas are thrown into the ear and left on the fire for another half an hour. Now you can add the remaining components: onions, potatoes, carrots. The head itself is better to pull out and put on a plate to cool. Vegetable broth stays on medium heat for ten minutes, then salt and bay leaf are added to it. Next, the ear is cooked until the vegetables are fully cooked. The head must be disassembled, separating the bones, and the meat returned to the soup for 5 minutes before turning off the gas. Chopped greens should be put in each plate just before serving.
How to cook the salmon soup in hunting
The recipe for hunting soup repeats exactlyprevious, except for one difference. In this dish at the time of adding vegetables to the boiling broth, millet is also poured. Pre-wash it at least 7 times to clear water. According to the recipe for 2-3 liters of water is about half a cup of millet.
How to cook salmon soup in Finnish
This is a very original recipe for Russian people, which is traditional for Finns. It will require:
- 300 g salmon fillet;
- Onion weighing approximately 100 g;
- 600 g not very crumbly potatoes;
- 400 g fat milk or cream;
- 20 grams of wheat flour;
- 1 liter of water;
- different greens;
- salt.
A pot of water is put on the fire, and while itdo not boil, the potatoes must be cleaned and cut into cubes, and chop the onion into half rings. When water boils, onions and potatoes should be thrown into it and salt. Next, the vegetables are cooked for 10 minutes on the lowest heat under the lid until the fish is finished. Salmon fillet is cut into large pieces with the skin, all the scales must first be cleaned. Fish is added to the soup to boil for another 10 minutes with vegetables.
Milk of 6% fat or cream should be mixed withflour and whisk the mixture with a whisk until the lumps dissolve completely. Continuing to mix, pour it into the boiling ear, and immediately remove from heat at the first boil. Greens are chopped and added to the dish before the plates fall on the table.
The taste of this soup is different from the usual soup, but it has its connoisseurs, perhaps someone who, having tried the Finnish version of this dish for the first time, will prefer it.
Knowing how to cook salmon soup, you can choose the most suitable option to please your family or friends with a delicious dinner.