/ / Ear from salmon. Unforgettable recipe

Ear from salmon. Unforgettable recipe

The soup of salmon is not only delicious, but alsounusual. Not every hostess wants to make the menu more diverse and unusual, as in most cases this does not have enough strength or money. The recipe described below will allow you to prepare a tasty and hearty meal with minimal expenses. The cooking takes only 30 minutes, and the pleasure of eating is incredible. Do not forget that the fish contains a lot of phosphorus and is very useful for every member of the family.

In order to ear from salmon, the recipe of which is notbelongs to a number of complex dishes, it was delicious, you need to prepare some ingredients in advance. You will need salmon fillet - 400 grams will be more than enough. Also it is worth buying about a half kilo of potatoes, several onions, one carrot, one clove of garlic and a little tomato paste, preferably sweet and sour. From the seasonings you need salt and black pepper peas, bay leaf, and of course, greens. It can be both dry and fresh.

The first thing to do is prepare the fillets.It must be cut into cubes, which should not be too small. We pass to vegetables. I peel potatoes and carrots and clean them. Potatoes cut into cubes, and put on a small fire. After the water with the potatoes boil, add the sliced ​​fillet to the saucepan. Cook for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise the salmon will turn into mashed potatoes. We clean and shinkuem onions with carrots in the form of small cubes. Fry the vegetables in the sunflower oil until they have a golden hue on all sides. When the roast is browned, it must be filled with tomato. If the tomato paste is slightly sour, it is worth adding sugar. When the roast is ready, combine it with the broth, and boil for a few minutes. Ear from salmon should be served on the table in hot form with finely chopped garlic.

In order for your dish to be extraordinary and mouth-watering, read some of the secrets of cooking.

  • The basis of any fish soup is (in thissituation of salmon), however, in order to make the broth more aromatic, it is necessary to use at least one more variety of fish when preparing. This can be pike perch, whitefish, perch or ruff, as well as any other fish.
  • It is very important to monitor the foam and remove it from the surface of the broth on time. Overcooked foam can spoil the appeal of the dish.
  • The ear will be more aromatic if the fish thatwill use for cooking, fresh. When frozen fish is used for cooking, it should be placed in the broth only in frozen form.
  • The main component of the soup is the broth. That is why the dish will be more delicious if you use a small amount of vegetables.
  • When cooking the fish soup, do not cover the pan with a lid, as this can make the Yushka cloudy. Fire during cooking should also be minimal, so that the appearance of the dish is attractive.
  • If the soup is cooked from the salmon's head, it must be removed from the fire when the bones easily fall behind the pulp. It is not recommended to digest the dish strongly, because the taste and aroma can be lost.

Ear from salmon will become more fragrant ifseason it with a variety of spices. The most optimal are parsley, dill and green onions. As a supplement, the bay leaf and pepper are used as fragrant and bitter. For lovers of extravagant tastes, it is recommended to use tarragon for cooking. Some people after the ear from the salmon is ready, season it with a few more elements. This, most often olives and lemon. Components should be placed in a pan with broth and cover with a lid for several minutes. Now you can serve the dish on the table, and delight the dear people with delicious food.