Seldom does anyone remain indifferent to this amazingtasty and also very useful fish. It consists of magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B6, B12 and D, and thanks to the polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega3, the body rejuvenates as a whole. There is a huge variety of dishes prepared from salmon. Here are just a few of them.
Salmon. Recipes for cooking fish baked in foil
- two salmon steaks;
- olive oil;
- lemon juice;
- salt and pepper to taste;
- green onions, coriander, parsley, dill - 120 g.
Preparation takes 15-20 minutes.
- Salmon fillets, freed from bones and skin, are salted, seasoned with pepper and sprinkled with lemon juice.
- The greens are finely chopped and half are spread on the cooked foil, top portions of fish are laid, smeared with olive oil and covered with the second half of the greens.
- The fish is well wrapped in foil and sent for baking in a preheated oven to 200 ° C for about 15-20 minutes.
- The prepared dish is repeatedly sprinkled with lemon juice.
Pickled salmon. The recipe for grilling
- 800 g salmon (fillet with skin);
- one lemon;
- five tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- two teaspoons grated ginger root;
- two sprigs of green thyme.
- Using a grater, the lemon is released from the peel and squeezed out of the juice.
- Prepare a mixture of lemon zest and juice with thyme, ginger and butter.
- The resulting marinade is poured into the prepared portioned portions and left for half an hour.
- Fry the pieces of fish until golden brown on the grill.
How to cook a delicious salmon quickly? Fried salmon with sauce
- salmon;
- hard cheese;
- greenery;
- clove of garlic;
- salt;
- pepper;
- mayonnaise;
- vegetable oil.
Cooking method:
- Slice the salmon into portions, salt, season with pepper and fry in a pan until fully cooked.
- Mix grated cheese with mayonnaise, chopped herbs and garlic.
- Lubricate the resulting mixture with the fish and cover with a lid, leaving to completely dissolve the cheese.
- A delicious dish is served on the table.
Pickled salmon. Cooking recipes
- one kilogram of salmon - trim (trout, salmon, herring or mackerel);
- by a pinch of black ground pepper, anise, marjoram and tarragon;
- a handful of dried parsley;
- eight peas of sweet pepper;
- four buds of a carnation;
- one pod of red hot pepper;
- 100 ml of dry pink wine;
- two tablespoons of balsamic or fruit vinegar;
- two or three tablespoons of salt;
- 30 ml of vegetable oil;
- two mandarin orange or orange;
- four cloves of garlic;
- one tablespoon of green tea of high quality (not flavored).
- Very cool brew tea in 50 ml of boiling water, insist under the lid for 10 minutes.
- Garlic is passed through a press or is very finely chopped. Red hot pepper ground in a mortar or cut. Peppers with garlic enhance the useful properties of fish and give it an extraordinary piquancy.
- Citrus is peeled, divided into slices and cut into slices or squeezed out the juice.
- A well washed rim is spread in a bowlred fish, add citrus, wine, vinegar, tea, spices, salt and garlic. Thoroughly mix, unfold on the banks and stand in the refrigerator for two days.
Marinated fish is used to make snacks, sandwiches, salads.
Salmon. Recipes of cooking fish in honey sauce
- 600-700 g of salmon fillet;
- 1/3 cup soy sauce and orange juice;
- ¼ cup of bee honey;
- greens, green onions;
- clove of garlic;
- for decoration - lemon.
Cooking method:
- Prepare a mixture of honey, chopped garlic, soy sauce and orange juice.
- Lubricate the fish fillet with the resulting sauce and leave in the refrigerator for impregnation for half an hour.
- If desired, the fish are baked in the oven or fried in a pan (grill).
- With medium heat cooking will take about fifteen minutes. The finished fillet will crumble.
- Decorate salmon fillets with lemon slices and green onions (any herbs).
Tasty and nutritious red salmon fish - cooking recipes in no way can spoil it. It will be amazing, even if it simply salt and lightly season with pepper.