/ / Intellectual state of man: examples

Intellectual state of man: examples

Psychology studies mental processes, propertiesand the state of the individual. The first are the elementary units of the psyche, ensuring its functioning. Mental cognitive processes (sensation, perception, memory, thinking, imagination) and attention are distinguished. The latter is not an independent process, but regulates others, and also rebuilds the psyche in response to changing environmental conditions.

The intellectual state of man

Mental properties characterize stablephenomena prevailing in a particular individual: anxiety, suspiciousness, rigidity, lability, extraversion-introversion, etc. Mental states imply temporary peculiarities of mental activity, which characterize the attitude of a person to everything that happens around him. In a special group distinguish the intellectual state of man.

Intellectual states are those that arise in the process of mental activity, as well as intellectual emotions. Let us dwell on this in more detail.


About the intellectual states of man knew morein ancient Greece. So, Aristotle believed that in the process of knowing the transition from simple things to more complex ones is possible due to surprise. This emotion is also valuable because a person understands his attitude to a subject or phenomenon without preliminary analysis and assessments. Such is the intellectual state.

Intellectual human condition examples

Surprised, people learn something new, commitscientific discoveries. After all, what caused the surprise, contrary to the ideas of a person, therefore, stimulates the knowledge of the unknown. No wonder the methods of teaching preschoolers and primary school students are based on the unity of passion and intelligence. Such methods change the intellectual state of a person. Examples: children close their eyes, and the teacher changes into a kind fairy; the teacher begins to explain the new topic with a riddle, etc.

There is no opposite emotion to surprise, but surprise in some circumstances may prove unpleasant.


By thoughtfulness is meantthe intellectual state of a person when he is deep in thought. It is characterized by immobility, inexpressive mimicry, slow reactions, monotonous speech.

Intellectual state of human condition category

This state is welcomed in situations whereyou need to solve the problem, deal with a difficult task, find a way out. But excessive self-absorption can lead to unhappiness such as a car accident or indicate a mental illness.


The state of interest is characterizedinteraction of intellectual, emotional and volitional components. The basis of interest is the approximate reflex, but these states are not identical. Having orientated oneself in a situation, a person can stop being interested in it or, on the contrary, the reflex leaves, but the interest remains.

Interest in the profession, rather, refers topersonal qualities, but an awareness of the importance of their work, the desire to improve their skills and focus on professional issues require the active participation of the intellect.

The intellectual state of a person's words

In order to avoid professional deformation andnarrowing the horizon of professional interest should be combined with manifestations of curiosity in other areas, intellectual responsiveness to the knowledge gained. This is how the intellectual state of a person is formed. Examples: a preschool teacher is actively interested in theater, turner acquires driver skills, a programmer masters the basics of web design, etc.


This state is adjacent to the interest.Facts in relation to which curiosity is manifested capture, contain intrigue, encourage active action to clarify the situation. The words “interesting”, “exciting”, “curious”, etc. characterize such an intellectual state of a person.

There are two types of curiosity:self-interest and curiosity. In the first case, the individual seeks to know everything for the purpose of narcissism, is interested in things and things to which he has nothing to do. Inquisitive is the desire to obtain systematic knowledge for good purposes.

Creative inspiration

This state is a synthesis.emotional and intellectual components. Most often, representatives of creative professions (artists, composers, writers) feel inspired, but something similar is familiar to each of us. These are the moments of finding a solution to a mathematical problem, a method of correcting an idle machine, writing a term paper, etc.

The intellectual state of a person is interesting, clear, understandable.

Состояние внезапного озарения, когда вдруг it becomes clear how to act, in psychology is called insight. This is an amazing intellectual state of man. Examples of words that come to mind in such moments: “Eureka!”, “Hurray! Found it! ”,“ How could I not have guessed it before! ”.

During insight, an extraordinary burst of energy is felt, perception sharpens, fantasy throws up original combinations of images, working capacity is off-scale, everything seems beautiful.

In fact, the state of insight is not at all sudden.It’s just that all the mental work leading to the achievement of the goal took place on a subconscious level, and at the right moment the consciousness received the right answers.

Monotonia (boredom)

Это интеллектуальное состояние свойственно a person who is deprived of communication with other people or who has been forced to do monotonous routine work for a long time. Manifestations of monotony are more characteristic of the inhabitants of taiga, the inhabitants of lands in the Arctic Circle, but people who experience boredom are found anywhere.

A person suffering from monotony is not capableto establish relationships with other people and organize their activities in such a way as to experience moral satisfaction. Sometimes monotony arises because of a large amount of free time, which one does not want to occupy with anything. Boredom also cause serious trouble, grief experienced, chronic fatigue.

Хроническая скука – одна из проблем современного of society. People are increasingly turning to specialists about the fact that they do not see incentives for life, do not know how to cheer themselves. In the course are short-term ways to get pleasure (cigarettes, alcohol, promiscuous sex, etc.), but they also do not relieve the blues. Identifying personally and socially significant motives, ways of making the work attractive, finding a partner in communication helps to correct the situation.

Intellectual state of man: the category of the state (examples)

Everything that happens to an individual is denotedlanguage units that are used in speech. In the Russian language, words denoting the intellectual state of a person are distinguished: “interesting,” “clear,” “understandable,” etc. In another way they are called predicatives. Some researchers attribute these lexical units to adverbs.

Intellectual Characteristicsthe state of a person (category of state) includes words that are part of the grammatical basis or simply as part of impersonal sentences. There are no specific morphemic characters in these words. For cases, persons and numbers, the status categories do not change. Like adverbs, most of the lexical units denoting the human intellectual state have the suffix -o-: "boring", "surprising", etc.

In the sentence, the status category vocabulary is consistent with the proper names in the dative case (Ivan understood the condition of the problem) or used in a generalized sense (It is clear that the plane we will not have time).

Features of mental states

Any intellectual human conditionholistically, agile and relatively stable. The manifestations of a particular state characterize the psyche as a whole. So, if an individual is confident in his convictions, then he has a knowledge system, does not doubt that he is right, and shows the strength of will for successful practical activities.

Intellectual state of a person, category of state, examples

Mobility of mental states lies inthat, although they are longer than the processes, they nevertheless take place in time, they have a beginning, a dynamic of development and an end. Steady states become personal qualities over time (concentration, thoughtfulness, etc.).

Mental processes, states and properties are closely linked. In certain combinations they form the individual image of a person.