/ / Symbiosis, examples of coexistence

Symbiosis, examples of coexistence

Миллионы видов живых существ обитают на Земле, и they all have some connections between them. Some species of animals are eaten by others and are themselves food for stronger representatives of the fauna. But there is another relationship - a symbiosis, examples of which are found everywhere. Translated from Greek, this term means "living together." Surprisingly, some plants are inclined to the "cooperation" of this kind.

One type of symbiosis is mutualism, which means "reciprocity." With this type of cohabitation, both participants are vital to each other.

An example of coexistence is also parasitism, with one representative doing harm to another, thus surviving.

Symbiosis, examples

Начнем с нас самих – людей.It would seem that bacteria are the enemies of man, but without some of their species, we cannot live and exist normally. In our intestines live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which by their number displace disease-causing organisms that fall from the outside. And they feed on the contents of the digestive tract, and this is how mutual cooperation turns out.

There are animals that are "friends" for a long time.For example, in Africa, birds trail fly from back to back large animals (buffaloes, giraffes, rhinos), there they find and eat ticks and other insects sticking to the giants, thus clearing them of parasites and getting a lot of food for themselves.

There are also species in the sea world that help each other out.friend. For example, a goby fish, having caught sight of a major enemy, is hiding in a burrow dug by clickfish. But the arthropods are only happy about this, since the escape of the fish serves as a signal that they also need to hide (the cancer itself does not see well). When a hippopotamus is in the water, the "black labo" fish clears it of algae and parasites, and not only the skin, but also the teeth and even the gums.

Senegalese avdotka (bird) was able to establishfriendship with a crocodile! She breeds a nest and lays eggs near the place with alligator eggs. In case of danger, the bird calls the giant with its cry, and the bird immediately rushes to protect its masonry and avdotka nest.

There is also a vegetable symbiosis, exampleswhich - mushrooms with trees, as well as insects with flowering plants. Aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms receive nutrients from trees, giving in return minerals and water. And birds, feeding on the nectar of flowers, carry pollen on their beaks and thus help the plants to multiply.

Mutualism, examples

В кишечнике термитов обитают жгутиковые protozoa that digest fiber in sugar. Termites do not have enzymes for this function, and without their partners, they can die of starvation. And flagellates in the intestines live and multiply in favorable conditions for themselves.

Examples of parasitism

But in nature there are organisms that live behindby others, they cannot do otherwise. Eating and releasing toxins, the parasite gradually poisons the host. Some opportunists settle in someone for a while, and some live so permanently. Parasites are gradually degrading, they are no longer able to digest food, see, hear, but they have hooks and suckers. In such species, the breeding function is increased (millions of individuals), this is due to the high mortality of the offspring.

Worms are a large class of parasites.They mostly live in the intestines of humans or animals. Also, these creatures are able to infect the liver, bladder, brain and muscles. Nutrients, vitamins and microelements that come from food are absorbed by worms, while the human body “steals off”, is depleted and constantly suffers from toxins.

Parasites can live outside, for example, fleas and ticks. They are also considered unstable pests, i.e. they are on the host for a short time, feeding on blood through the skin.

An amazing form of existence is a symbiosis, examples of which can be seen by looking closely at the surrounding world. And you can start with yourself.