/ / About norms: what a pulse and what pressure a person should have

On the norms: what kind of pulse and what pressure should a person have

In order to monitor your own health,A person must know several indicators. For example, what should be a normal pulse and pressure. With their frequent measurement, one can understand whether everything is in order with health.

what pressure should a person have

It is worth noting that with all the pulseeasier than with pressure. Its ideal performance for a healthy person at rest is 72 beats per minute. To get accurate results, you need to measure the pulse several times throughout the day.


Before you figure out what pressure shouldto be in person, it is worth considering the basic concepts. What is pressure in general? Everyone probably knows that it is connected with the heart. The heart muscle pushes blood out and creates pressure on the vessels. That's it for this pressure and must be monitored. The main measurements are two values ​​- systolic and diastolic pressure. How to understand this? Upper arterial pressure (systolic) - indicators of the heart at the time of its highest reduction, lower (diastolic) - at the time of greatest relaxation. The units of measurement of these values ​​are mmHg.

signs of low pressure in humans
About the norms

So how much pressure should a person have?What is considered the norm, and what is already a deviation? In the world of medicine, the following pressure is considered ideal: 120/80. But, measuring its indicators, it is worth considering various factors, depending on which it may be somewhat different. So, with age, the numbers may increase slightly. There are studies that show that in healthy women the pressure is slightly lower than in men. It is worth noting that there is also such a thing as working pressure. This is the blood pressure of a person in which he feels comfortable. And it can be either higher or lower than normal.


Finding out how much pressure a person should haveIt is worth noting that if it is different from normal, but is comfortable for a person, do not panic and run to the doctor. But if blood pressure is higher or lower than normal and the person feels it, it is better to see a specialist. Young people should also monitor these indicators and in case of deviations do not hesitate and consult a doctor.

adult pressure standard
Below normal

People whose pressure is below normal are calledhypotensive. Their indicators can fluctuate around 90-95 mm Hg - the top and 60-65 - the bottom. But do not get too attached to the numbers, they may also differ slightly from these indicators, and still there will be hypotension. The most common signs of low blood pressure in a person are: drowsiness, lethargy, unwillingness to work, frequent headaches and dizziness. In addition, hypotonia is meteo-dependent, they respond to all changes in the weather.

Above normal

Knowing how much pressure a person should haveIt is worth considering and indicators above the ideal. So, hypertensive patients are people who constantly have high blood pressure. If the rate of pressure in an adult is 120/80, then in hypertensive patients this figure is higher - 140/90 mm Hg. The danger of hypertension is that it most often does not manifest itself, and a person can learn about this disease only with frequent measurement of pressure. There are no special symptoms of hypertension. Rarely, there may be headaches in the back of the head, a feeling of blood pulsation in the ears.