/ / Normal pressure is 140 over 90.

The normal pressure is 140 over 90.

One of the leading indicators of the state of human health, most often used in the practice of a doctor, is the level of blood pressure.

This level is formed by the action of variousorgans and systems. First of all - the cardiovascular system. Vascular tonus and heart rate is controlled by the nervous and humoral systems. When nervous excitement (emotions, stress) heart rate increases. The release of adrenaline into the blood is determined by the humoral system. In addition, a huge number of third-party factors affect the level of our blood pressure.

It is considered that normal pressure is 140 to 90 or less. A higher value may indicate hypertension, in the event that this elevated level persists.

Ранее врачи уверяли, что давление 140 на 90 для women - too high numbers. However, at present, no significant distinctions are made and the normal pressure in men is equal to that in women.

It should be noted that normal pressurehuman and pulse are interconnected. Thus, with an increase in heart rate (increase in heart rate), blood pressure rises. But the increase in pressure in the bloodstream does not always mean that the pulse will be rapid.

Какие заболевания или патологические состояния can influence such an indicator as normal pressure (140 over 90)? These include diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis) and diseases of other systems. This may be a pathology of the nervous regulation, as well as disorders of the endocrine (humoral) regulation.

Diagnosing Arterial Hypertensioncarried out by measuring the level of blood pressure with a tonometer. If during a threefold visit to the doctor (the interval between visits for at least one week), the indicator 140 is exceeded by 90 - the diagnosis of hypertension (hypertension) is set.

This condition manifests itself as a headache (more oftenin the occipital region) and dizziness, noise in the head, flashing flies before my eyes. In addition, the patient feels his own heart palpitations. With high blood pressure numbers, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Лечение начинают не с применения фармацевтических drugs (drugs), and with the rejection of bad habits (smoking and alcohol) and adherence to a strict diet. The basic principle of the diet for hypertension is the limitation of the amount of salt eaten. This principle helps to reduce water retention in the body, which often helps to reduce pressure. In addition, a salt-free diet reduces the burden on the kidneys and reduces puffiness (if any).

In the case when a healthy lifestyle and salt-freediet did not lead to the necessary reduction of pressure, doctors resort to prescribing drugs. A feature of the treatment of this disease is the appointment of a whole complex of drugs to achieve the desired result. In addition, the use of these drugs should be systematic and virtually constant.

Как уже упоминалось выше, давление 140 на 90 It is considered the upper limit of normal, and, depending on the level of exceeding this upper limit, there are three degrees of arterial hypertension. A separate group is isolated only increase in diastolic pressure, which speaks most often of the pathology of the kidneys (since it is the kidneys that control one of the blood pressure regulation systems, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system). A surprising feature of the latter form of hypertension is the lack of subjective sensations of increasing pressure, that is, patients feel good and do not make complaints.