/ / How to measure pressure at home?

How to measure pressure at home?

There are many medical procedures.operational and simple implementation of which allows you to get a general idea of ​​the state of human health and maybe even prevent the development of serious diseases. These activities, of course, include pressure measurement. Its indicators not only reflect the general physical condition of a person, but can also be direct signs of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and urinary systems. How to measure pressure? The easiest way is to consult a doctor, but if there is no such possibility, then the procedure can be carried out at home.

To get correct results you needfollow the general rules. At least two hours before the procedure, stop smoking, strong tea or coffee, food and medicine. You must be calm, relaxed, the body should not be subjected to significant physical exertion. Measurement should be carried out while sitting.

It can be said that blood pressure dependsfrom a variety of factors such as age, weight, emotional and physiological condition. The optimal difference between the upper and lower index should be about forty units. The standard for an adult is the pressure of 120 to 80. So, how to measure pressure, read below.

There are several devices that canpurchased for home use. The most convenient model is a mechanical tonometer, which provides more accurate data and is quite inexpensive.

how to measure pressure

Such a device consists of a cuff, equipped withvelcro, rubber bulb and pressure gauge, i.e. measuring instrument. The kit also includes a stethoscope - a special medical device that makes it possible to hear the heartbeat.

Many are wondering how to measurepressure using such a device. You can perform the procedure on any hand. The bottom edge of the cuff should be at the level of the crook of the elbow. It is usually wrapped several times and fixed with a sticky fastener. Under it, they enclose and press the stethoscope, after which it is necessary to carry out active air injection with a pear. Bleed the air as slowly as possible: this will ensure high accuracy of the indicators. The result will be displayed on the gauge. The number on which the shooter was delayed during the first pulse stroke, means the upper pressure, respectively, the last pulse of the pulse determines the lower one. To clarify the data can be performed on two hands. The disadvantages of this method include the need for the assistance of a second person. But how to measure pressure if you are alone?

The most popular option among the masses is an electronic tonometer, which is easy to use and allows you to carry out the procedure yourself.

how to measure blood pressure
Today, there are models that work both from the network and from batteries, as well as having a huge number of additional functions.

Now your knowledge on how to measureblood pressure significantly replenished. Having a home machine, you can easily do it. But there may be a question about how to measure pressure without a tonometer.

Some simply check the pulse, but this information is very general.

how to measure pressure without a tonometer
Many practice the folk method.A thread, a ruler and a gold ring are useful for him. The ruler must be placed along the left hand to the value "0" was at the level of the bend of the wrist, where the pulse is felt. The ring, tied on a string, is carried out at a close distance from the hand, moving from the wrist to the elbow. As soon as it starts to oscillate, you need to look at the division of the ruler, the value of which will be the lower pressure. After that, continuing to lead the ring along the arm, wait for repeated vibrations that will show the upper pressure. The result must be multiplied by ten. Remember that this method is very approximate and contains many errors.