/ / How to bring a man to orgasm: ways and practical advice

How to bring a man to orgasm: ways and practical advice

The art of making love came to us withantiquities. Many people still have not revealed all the subtleties of this great talent. But probably every woman at least once asked this question, how to bring a man to orgasm? Well, let's talk about frank.

Orgasm in women and men. What it is?

First, let's look at the very concept of the term.orgasm. If you open the encyclopedia, the description will be as follows: it is a culminating sexual arousal caused by a strong sense of pleasure, expressed, as a rule, due to the impact of stimulation of erogenous zones (genitals and others). There is an orgasm during vaginal intercourse, oral or anal sex, masturbation, stimulation of erogenous zones with hands, tongue and others.


how to bring a man to orgasm massage

Having dealt with the term, proceed to the explanationabout the types of orgasm guys. And what kind of orgasm do men have? The affective state of arousal is observed, reaching orgiastic sensations in a state of emotional tension, formed under the influence of pleasant and not quite pleasant sensations - anger, aversion, fear, and more. Outwardly, such an orgasm appears like temperament and sex education.

Male orgasm precedes the pre-orgasm stage,due to a particular strong tension in the male penis, a tickling condition in the area of ​​the urethra (similar to the state of urination). This manifests itself some time before ejaculation. If at this time you stop stimulating the penis, then excitability will not immediately, but will subside. Then ejaculation will not come.

A number of men have the abilityincrease the time of intercourse when they notice that the woman is not satisfied enough. That is, they are distracted in their thoughts from sexual actions and sensations, but, despite all the attempts, with each subsequent break the men keep their ejaculation more and more difficult.

Peak pleasure and the first stage of male orgasm

how can you bring a man to orgasm

Try to bring each other up toorgasm. So it will give you peak pleasure. It is desirable that the partner reached a peak state later than the partner. Male orgasm occurs in two stages: called emission and ejaculation. These two species follow each other, which is sometimes difficult to feel the edge.

Then, when the emission of the urethraopens and lengthens, starting to shrink, accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction. And at the very time when the partner has reached the maximum sexual state, the peak of orgasm occurs. This is where all spinal reflex components are included. The longer you spend time on reaching peak pleasure, the more sperm cells accumulate in the urethra.

What is the second stage of male orgasm?

ways to bring a man to orgasm

The second stage is ejaculation.The nerves of the reflexes, moving the muscles of the penis, begin to contract in time with the urethra with a period of 0.8 seconds simultaneously with the female organs. The body of the penis pushes semen from the urinary canal under the action of 3-10 pushes. The possibility of such pushes is directly proportional to the age of the man and health, the period of time after the last ejaculation, and other effects.

During orgasm, the male body and mind are turned off.There are no similar emotions that can lead to more vivid excitement in this case and lead to complete relaxation in order to achieve this goal. What can be said about the degree of pleasure, it is ambiguous, everyone gets their dose of orgasm. We can say one thing, that the most sensitive and significant peak of orgasm is characterized only for the primary one. After all, this is when the highest-quality sperm reaches its maximum and the feeling of euphoria lasts longer.

Bring to orgasm massage

what an orgasm for men

Having dealt with science, let's talk about howbring a man to orgasm. There are many ways to achieve the desired. Those that under the power of each, we consider in this article. To begin with, to create a more relaxing atmosphere, prepare the room, light the candles, set the aroma lamp, add the enchanting oil, rich in pheromones. Then proceed to the process itself.

Many people like lengthy preludes with caresses ormassage ... Why would it be most effective? All the cells of the partner's body under the influence of such an atmosphere and a gentle massage with oil relax. The sensitivity of erogenous zones increases, and I want to continue. If you see that your partner is already ready for this, then do not rush, tease. You can be a cat, and you can dance a striptease. Or you can slowly undress yourself and him. It is important to look in the eye all the time.

how to bring a man to orgasm caress

If you like to experiment, you canpre-order a variety of things from sex shops. This will bring even more pleasure for both partners. Be careful, constantly stimulate erogenous zones so that your partner does not fall asleep in dreams.

As soon as the penis is nourished gentlesensations and begin to harden, excite him with hand movements. At the same time, stroke, kiss your lips where you and your partner wish. How rough or gentle it is - it depends on your tastes. In general, there are more than thousands of erogenous zones on each body, but some of them are not as developed as others. Bite, lick, kiss. How to bring a man to orgasm massage, we have already considered. As you can see, everything is simple. The main thing in this business is to feel the partner.

Как довести мужчину до оргазма ласками?The above can be complemented by the fact that you can be playful, and you can be a fluffy cat. The style is up to you. Use your hair, feathers, hands. And the state of this will not keep you waiting. Still, women do not always want a close relationship, but they don’t want to upset their man by refusing.

how to bring a man to orgasm without sex

Weasel hands and mouth

There are tips and methods on how to bring a manto orgasm without sex. The most famous for all is the use of hands and mouth. Sounds different to everyone. Some prefer only such an orgasm, but for someone it is simply not acceptable. But this is just a method. There are lots of poses that the Indian "Kama Sutra" offers us. Knowing them, you can experiment.

If a man is tired after a long day, besidesMassage, do not forget to prepare a delicious dinner in advance. This will be a good start for intimacy. If you have long been in a relationship, then for you there are no restrictions. But if you are only at the beginning, then try to distract your thoughts, do not think about anything, do not hesitate. If you can not tune in to the wave, even applying all the techniques, then try a movie for adults. Nobody will be indifferent here.

The skill comes with experience, and who, no matter how you,know your man Probably everyone once heard about the so-called superficial and deeper touches. Such movements bring great pleasure.

how to cause an orgasm in a man

Change yourself

Теперь вы знаете, как можно довести мужчину до orgasm. Remember that there are no two identical acts, as well as identical people. Everything is so unique that every time, as in the first. Of course, do not forget that the appearance is of great importance in making love. You can make an interesting haircut in the pubic part, or completely shave it completely. Erotic look in some negligee will also look enchanting, thus the partner will be pleasantly surprised. Play, invent yourself different roles. But do not forget that in sex the most important thing is brains. No need to do everything forcibly. Otherwise, neither you nor the partner will be given any pleasure. After all, to bring a man to orgasm, you need to properly and skillfully apply your female skills and charms. Do not forget to use your perfume, captivating looks, erotic music.

Some simply bites the ear, another -caressing the body, and the third to the last holds, as partisans. Fine tricks in bed will depend on your ethics and the desire of the experiment. But do not forget that everything is built on sincere feelings! The best orgasm is possible only from love!


Now you know how to bring a man to orgasm, we have considered different ways. We hope that this article was useful to you!