/ / Do you know how to win a Capricorn male?

And do you know how to win a Capricorn man?

Capricorn is a stigma.Stubbornness, lack of response to externalities, a desire for stability and economy on the verge of stinginess - these qualities can hardly be called attractive. But Capricorn man is a character and will, a desire for financial well-being and stability, protection and a sense of boundless reliability.

how to win a Capricorn man

How to win a Capricorn man, a difficult question.This is a man who will never bite on appearance, will never lead to a romantic madness. Tears and crying, almost flawless weapon, do not affect him. No matter how you surround him with your attention, you will not leave the feeling that Capricorn spends time with you on a residual basis. This is a person who lives by work. Work for Capricorn - the personification of financial independence and lack of concern for the family budget. Work for Capricorn always comes first.

fall in love with Capricorn-man
However, the way how to conquer Capricorn is male,still exist. First, the work. If you play correctly on the obsession of Capricorn with work, you can get good dividends. A companion who helps a man in his career is a true trump card. You can give him advice, help to make difficult decisions, to understand the intricacies of hidden intrigues. Or you can simply be interested in his affairs, ask how the day went, encourage him and say that he is a good fellow. Your support is very valuable to him.

Capricorn male character
Secondly, to fall in love with a Capricorn manwill help all that my mother taught. Capricorns are very fond of economic and modest girls, neat and elegant. See "Gone With the Wind." In South American ladies brought up all those qualities that impressed Capricorn: dignity and femininity, gentleness and restraint. In this case, no tears, fountains of emotions, hysteria and other excesses. However, this does not mean that their individuality must be completely crushed in favor of the man. How to win a Capricorn man, if he appreciates strong and self-sufficient women, and you are completely dissolved in him?

Serious, full of selfthe dignity of a lady, and not an empty-headed coquette, faithful companion and equal partner - is ideal, in terms of Capricorn. Be near him, not behind or in front of him. To tolerate a woman better than yourself will not allow self-love, and the one that has to be dragged along is self-respect.

Another trick will tell you how to win a Capricorn man. The right gift is the key to his heart. This is what is important to remember when choosing a gift to Capricorn:

  • it is economical, which means that an expensive gift will scare it away;
  • he strives for success, which means that the gift must be stylish and of high quality;
  • he appreciates stability, so a gift for him needs a good and solid one.

For Capricorn, the principle is:"Everything is good in moderation". If appearance, it is not dazzling and not repulsive. If the interlocutor, then erudite, able to support any conversation, but not overwhelming intelligence. If an emancipated young lady, then not to the extent to pay for a man - it demeans. If the character, then strong, but without hysteria. Hold on to the golden mean, and the Capricorn male will be yours.