/ / Types of orgasm in a woman: how important it is to know

Types of orgasm in women: how important it is to know

From a physiological point of view, orgasm iscontraction of the muscle group, the culmination of strong sexual arousal. There are many definitions of this term. The occurrence of orgasm is primarily associated with the activity of the brain. The excitement of pleasure zones located in it occurs due to impulses sent by the genitals and leads to the appearance of an orgasm.

Sex life is a rather delicate subject.the person tries, as a rule, not to spread about it. Problems with sex entail a lot of other problems. A man dissatisfied with his sex life with one woman usually seeks connections on the side. A woman who does not have satisfaction from intimacy may not pay attention to this fact throughout her life. Surprisingly, half of the married Russian women who have children have never experienced an orgasm. Some of them generally believe that an orgasm in a woman is something unnecessary, since even without achieving it, you can fulfill your main, nature-given obligation to produce offspring. Such an opinion is fundamentally wrong. Obtaining sexual satisfaction is also inherent in every woman by nature itself. Moreover, the types of orgasms in women are quite diverse. There are four of them.

For the first time the topic of female orgasm interested"The great father of psychoanalysis," the Austrian Sigmund Freud. He began to consider an orgasm not from the point of view of physiology, but from the point of view of psychiatry. The impossibility of obtaining pleasure from sexual contact by a woman was considered by him as frigidity. Freud distinguished the following types of orgasm in women: vaginal and clitoral. In some of his works, the scientist connected the impossibility of obtaining a vaginal orgasm with the absence of certain sensory zones in the woman's vagina. Modern experts involved in the study of this issue, argue that Freud's theory is erroneous. They identified the following types of female orgasm:

  • Vaginal.The most common type of orgasm, which is associated with the strongest male delusion. The appearance of a vaginal orgasm in a woman occurs due to friction of the penis against the walls of her vagina. Some men believe that committing frictions is quite enough for their girlfriend to receive unforgettable pleasure. However, it is not. Mutual caress greatly enhances the sensations and have an impact on the duration of orgasm.
  • Uterine.Such an orgasm occurs due to the contraction of the uterine walls. It is known that not every woman can experience a uterine orgasm. It occurs in cases where the partner's penis reaches the uterus, that is, it directly depends on its length. However, you should not particularly rejoice in men with excessive dignity. It is also known that constant irritation of the uterus walls with the penis leads to the development of a malignant tumor of the female reproductive organ.
  • Clitoral. The clitoris is one of the erogenous zones of the woman’s body. This type of orgasm occurs with the direct impact on the clitoris with the hands, tongue or sexual member of a partner.
  • Jet.This type of orgasm occurs when the so-called “G” point, otherwise called the Graffenberg zone (by the name of the doctor who discovered it), is affected. Point “G” is located at a distance of 2 to 5 cm from the entrance to the vagina, inside, on its back wall. The best pose to achieve the "jet" orgasm is the doggy style pose or rider pose.

Currently, types of orgasms are being studied.experts in sexology around the world. For example, relatively recently they put forward a theory about the existence of the so-called perineal orgasm. It occurs quite rarely and occurs at the time of a strong vibration of the perineum of a woman. This condition can occur not only at the time of having sex, but also when riding a bicycle or riding a horse.

These are the main types of orgasm in women, historyis silent about who specifically was engaged in the study of such a delicate issue. However, this theory is accepted today and is considered true. Of course, in order to bring pleasure to your partner, a man does not have to be fully educated in matters of the structure of the female body, however, some things are still necessary to know. Typically, knowledge of these things occurs as the acquisition of sexual experience. At the same time, an excellent knowledge of the erogenous zones of a woman does not guarantee that it is with this man that she will experience unforgettable feelings during sex. Another important part of getting a terrific orgasm is feeling. Perhaps, in order to fully satisfy a woman, you should truly love her ...