There is hardly a man who would not loveoral caress However, having heard a similar request from a loved one, many women refuse, simply not knowing how to properly do blowjob, what can offend a man.
What is the wisdom and basic mistakes?
Actually, there is nothing supercomplex in this.Moreover, there is not a single woman or girl who would not be able to master the art of oral sex. The mistake basically lies in the fact that girls consider such affection to be something humiliating. But they can only be such if you don’t provide them on your own. There is nothing wrong with pleasing a beloved man who, you can be sure, will want to thank you. If you think this is all low and dirty, take an example from the Chinese empress Cixi, who, being one of the concubines, was able to rise to the level of the emperor's wife precisely because she had a golden throat.
Terms of good oral sex
Oral caress, like any other kind of sex, seem simple only at first glance. In fact, the quality of oral sex depends on many factors. The first one is love.
Basics of the basics
The main thing in the technique of oral sex -diversity. But how to make a blowjob to a man, if you have no practical experience? The answer is to listen carefully. At the same time, much depends on whether the blowjob is a prelude to coitus or directly a dessert. But in any case, caress should be teasing, light and varied. Most often, the experience of men in how to do the right blowjob, consists of what he sees in porn movies, what he tries himself and what friends who adore to boast tell him.
How to make a blowjob man?
Nothing is more teasing than lighttouches and movements of the tongue. Walk along the trunk of the tongue as if licking a melted ice cream, then swipe the tongue around the head and again go down to the base of the penis. From similar caresses the orgasm will not come, therefore it is better to use them at the very beginning, as a prelude. One of the easiest ways to bring a man to orgasm is to clasp the head of the penis with your lips, the place where the body of the penis begins, and make a head movement from side to side.
Poses for oral sex
Here, as is the case with any other kind of sex,posture is very important. Despite the fact that the main activity belongs to a woman, it should be convenient to both. If you are giving oral sex to a man for the first time, he will most likely want to watch the process from beginning to end until he trusts you or until he is convinced that you properly treat his treasure. For the same reason, a popular option is when a woman is kneeling.
Do imitate actresses?
Not knowing how to learn to do blowjob, you inevitablystart to scoop information from porn movies. This is a good guide, but there is one thing. Everything is very exaggerated in them, too spectacular and sometimes beyond the power of the average woman.
How to make a deep blowjob?
This technique is considered the highest skilloral sex, which is not surprising. For some reason, men are fascinated when their dignity is completely placed in a miniature female mouth. If you want to become the perfect lover for your man, do not be lazy and master this technique. How to do blowjob "deep throat" or just a deep blowjob? Not the last role is played by the experience of the partner. But in any case, it is still necessary to train, and not on bananas and cucumbers, but on your man. A member is much softer than a banana, even in an erection state, so the gag reflex will be much easier to overcome. For this you need to relax your throat. Someone for this silently recites Shakespeare's poems, someone - counts in the reverse order. In any case, you will find your way. At first, warn your partner about all your unpleasant feelings, so that he will not be offended if you suddenly abruptly step back. When the gag reflex is overcome, try to say something silently when you have a dick in your mouth. Such movements of the larynx are able to bring your loved one to orgasm.
Swallow or not?
Here everything is also individual.There are men who do not want this themselves, but there are those who would like it like that. In any case, it is better to ask your partner, so that later there will be no misunderstanding and mutual insults.