/ / How to excite a kiss? Cooking a man right

How to excite a kiss? Cooking a man right

Prelude to intimacy begins with a kiss.If the girls are more or less clear, their erogenous zones are known, then with men it is somewhat more complicated. In total, 15% of the stronger sex have a "boiling point" coinciding with the female. Nevertheless, there is one simple thing that winds everyone up - this is a kiss. Passionate, deep and persistent. So, how to initiate a kiss and prepare for the closeness of yourself and your partner?

how to excite a kiss

Cooking a man right

Only 20% of the male population of the land is erogenousthe zone is the neck. Nevertheless, this part can not be discounted. Sometimes even those who are not receptive to touching in this place, are strongly wound up if it is properly prepared. Just before you start a kiss, think about how far you are ready to go and do not give a "back up" afterwards. If everything is in order, and you are set for intimacy, then start with the lips. Is it corny? Not that word. But it is at the tips of the lips and tongue are the most erogenous male points. How to bring a kiss in this case? You can not sharply attack with fierce perseverance. No, first a soft and gentle touch, then an ever deeper kiss. You yourself will feel the excitement.

how to excite a man with kisses

It is proved that one passionate kissit is enough to make the heartbeat become more frequent, and the rush of blood (where necessary) increases. In addition, be prepared for the fact that your initiative will be intercepted, and the role of the facilitator will already be a man, not you. Nevertheless, try to continue as far as possible. How to excite a man with kisses after? You can start whispering romantic or even frank things in your ear, just touching it lightly with your lips and tongue. Watch the reaction. If a man is removed, then it is not too pleasant for him, and you need to go to another part of the body. To the neck, for example. But all this is purely individual. And if one is pleased, then another may not like it. Experiment with your young man.

the most exciting kiss

And, of course, to know how to excite a kiss,you need to be ready and to oral caresses. Even light touching of the lips in the most intimate place will have more efficiency than in any other places. But you just need to start all the same not from there. This can be regarded as too frank and vulgar action.

The most exciting kiss is the one thatoccurs with mutual passion. It is worth remembering that not every man day and night is ready for intimacy. Many factors influence this: work, fatigue, time of day. Therefore, before you bring a kiss, at least find out whether the man is in a romantic mood. Otherwise, all your attempts will be reduced to zero.

To be 100% guaranteed to bring the prelude tosex, ask directly about where the partner would like to be kissed. Arrange for him the night of desire, fulfilling all his whims. Nobody will refuse such an offer, despite the fatigue and lack of sleep. Love each other, try something new, and your intimate life will never be boring. You will be pleasantly surprised, discovering new ways for excitement. Never treat this as an experiment. Just be liberated and in love.