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Advice to Ladies: How to Conquer the Man-Virgo

Man-Virgo differs disciplinediligence and accuracy. Representatives of this zodiac sign is not peculiar to romance in relationships, they are straightforward and practical. In connection with these pretty ladies, the question arises: "How to win a man-virgin?" By their nature, Virgos are very picky, so from the second half they will demand balance in actions, accuracy and perfect cleanliness in everyday life. If you do not meet the above requirements, he will not tolerate it. It is much easier for him to live alone than a woman who does not meet his needs and thus violates his inner harmony.

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And yet, how to win a man-Virgo?To make on your elect the most pleasant impression, it is necessary to get acquainted with his mother and study the way in his father's house. The thing is that the woman who gave birth to him, is for the Virgin the ideal representative of the weaker sex. He always listens to her advice. Therefore, for his life, he tries to choose a woman, like a mother.

Representatives of this zodiacalthe constellations are kept, cold and very strict, despite their inner shyness and sensitivity. Therefore, before the ladies, the question often arises: "How to win a man-Virgo?", Because to make an impression on him is quite difficult. Born under this sign of the zodiac, young people prefer women of judgment, calm and serious, capable of soberly looking at the world. All "women's tricks" do not work on them, so you can only enchant them with intelligence and reasoning about "high matters".

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How to win a man-Virgo?In conversation, try to show that you are pretty smart and serious. Their ideal is a neat, pretty, neat and a little conservative lady. Do your best to match this image - and the man-Virgo is in your hands.

If you are looking for serious and prettylasting relationship - never lie to your companion, as he may lose interest in you. Try to read more, developing your intellect - this will be appreciated by your chosen one. Representatives of this zodiac sign can never get along with uncultured, overly emotional and hot-tempered ladies.

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How to interest a man-virgin?Trying to please, remember that the main thing - do not overdo it. Behave naturally, show off your strengths, veiling a few flaws. Man-Virgo - a clear pragmatist. Therefore, all tricks and assumptions based on intuition, for him are just disgusting. Virgo is an obvious pedant, he does not tolerate delays, considering them to be a sign of disorganization and lack of discipline. Therefore, forget about your favorite female habit of lingering for a few minutes forever. Immaculate manners and good taste will help to win a young man. How to conquer a man-virgin? Perhaps the most important thing is not to rush and insist on anything. Virgos are rather timid and shy, they need some time to sort out their feelings.

Patience and prudence to you, dear ladies!