How to get an orgasm to a woman? This question is of concern to many of the fair sex. This article offers some recommendations.
How to get an orgasm to a woman? Get tense!

Try it for funto experiment with the muscles of the legs, abdomen. Naturally, the tension of the buttocks and muscles of the vagina also affects the level of arousal. To develop the latter, use the Kegel exercises.
In fact, this technique is quite simple. And with regular workouts can give tangible results. The muscles you will work on are the same with which you can control urination.
Why stress can increasesensitivity? Muscle contraction increases blood flow. Most often, this process occurs in the genitals. And excitement is just manifested by blood flow to the most erogenous zones. So, this is how you get more pleasure.
How to get an orgasm to a woman? Relax!

Some women find it difficult to relax.In this case, you can practice affirmations. For example, mentally repeat the phrases that will help you: "I love and approve of myself," "I am absolutely relaxed and enjoy the intimacy with your loved one," etc.
The main thing is that these phrases contain a message that will help you feel more confident and tune in the right way.
This method helps to relieve tension, eliminate negative thoughts that can reduce sexual desire and fully focus on getting pleasure.
Some women need a special prelude orgasm. For example, a couple can come up with their own love games that will help to relax and become excited.
Usually to improve sex lifeIt is recommended to strain muscles during sex and relax your thoughts. This practice is highly effective, helps many women begin to experience orgasm.
How to get an orgasm to a woman? Check your health

But in some, not too frequent cases,Difficulties in achieving orgasm are experienced by women who have health problems. Sometimes the cause is taking certain medications. In any case, it is better to first consult with your doctor.
Treatment may be different.Often appointed exciters for women (for example, "Eros"). Such drugs increase blood flow in the pelvic organs. You can also use special creams and lubricants.