/ Scorpion tattoo: value and photo

Scorpion tattoo: value and photo

Initially, tattoos were distinctivesymbol, they spoke of belonging to a special group. They were made by warriors or priests, leaders or shamans. In the modern world, tattooing is a way of expressing one's inner world, emphasizing character traits, the ability to stand out.

scorpion tattoo in a man

The meaning of a symbol in different cultural traditions can be ambiguous, which is why when choosing a tattoo, all possible interpretations should be taken into account.

One of the popular, extinct from ancient timessymbols applied to the body is a scorpion. The tattoo with its image is popular with men and women, it has special significance for military men and prisoners.

The historical and cultural roots of the meaning of the tattoo "Scorpion"

In the cults of the African tribes, the scorpion, assymbol, did not have a unique meaning. He represented revenge and hatred, was considered the harbinger of death. But, at the same time, the soldiers worshiped him as a just judge, capable of both punishing and healing. Applying tattoos to the body with a scorpion, they stressed their stamina and justice.

In the Muslim culture the importance of the tattoo "Scorpio" is the wisdom and justice of the bearer.

Indian tribes of North America saw in this archetype the embodiment of the goddess-judge, who decided the destiny of the souls of the dead, assessing the person's life-long deeds.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the scorpion was also associated with the afterlife. The priests of the goddess Selket decorated their bodies, the symbol was applied as a guard at the entrance to the tombs.

black with red scorpion tattoo

In Japan, the scorpion denoted matrimonial fidelity, especially depicted with flowers, spoke of eternal love. He also symbolized wisdom.

In medieval Europe, the scorpion became a symbol of envy, betrayal or revenge.

In Asia, the scorpion symbolized the doctors, was a guard against the dark forces. In Tibet, it was put on cold steel, as a symbol of defense in battle and to attract victory.

In ancient Babylon, the scorpion was a symbol of the mother's sacrifice, a protective talisman for babies.

Choosing a scorpion tattoo, many perceive the image as a symbol of mysterious and dangerous, wisdom and justice, steadfastness and the ability to protect themselves.

Significance of tattoos in men

Sketches with scorpion are unchangedpopular with men. Just like the warriors of antiquity, the representatives of the stronger sex associate the scorpion with determination, dexterity and courage. The scorpion tattoo is perceived as a symbol of wisdom.

Scorpio as a symbol on the body can not speakbut rather about the nobility and willingness to accept the challenge of fate, the concentration in solving problems. Tattoo means the ability to maintain dignity in the fight against the enemy, in battle, when emerging from difficult life situations. It means tattoo "Scorpion", that its owner is a brave and courageous person and, defending himself, can be dangerous. Says the image of this arthropod about self-sacrifice and the great inner, spiritual strength and integrity of man.

Scorpio and the Army

In Russia and the former Soviet Unionthe tattoo "Scorpion" was particularly important among the military. In the 80's, it began to inflict on the body of special forces soldiers participating in the fighting in Afghanistan, and then, in the 90's - in the Caucasus. Depending on how the scorpion is depicted, the value of the tattoo varies:

  • if the claws are opened and raised in the same way as the tail, then the tattoo owner was directly involved in the fighting;
  • If the claws are closed, and the sting is curved, then he simply served in the special forces.
scorpion on the chest tattoo

Scorpio, depicted in combat posture, also speaks about participation in active hostilities, and in calm - about the passage of service in zones of armed conflict.

Among the servicemen, a scorpion tattoo speaks about the nobility and readiness to fight to the last, the ability to stand up for comrades-in-arms.

Most often, special forces fighters tattoo "Scorpion" on the left shoulder blade, sometimes on the chest or shoulder.

Prison value of a tattoo

In the criminal world, a scorpion means loneliness, betrayal, treachery.

The first such tattoos began to make prisoners who spent a long time in solitary confinement.

Since the 70s, scorpions began to filldrug addicts. The raised arthropod of the arthropod showed that the person continues to use drugs, and omitted, that the dependence has won. The tattoo "Scorpion" on his hand symbolized the prisoner's ability to obtain drugs.

A tattoo in the criminal world says,that it is better not to provoke its owner, who is able to stand up for himself. In some cases, a raised stigma indicates the willingness of a person to stand up for friends until the last, and omitted - about a sense of guilt that weighs on the image carrier.

In the 90s, participants in various gang members made a similar tattoo, as a sign of belonging to the OPG.

Tattoo with scorpion in girls

Girls choosing a sketch of the tattoo "Scorpion"stop on the smooth lines and less realistic image of the arthropod. Image in a graphic or cartoon style, or in the form of drops are popular with women.

scorpion and flower

Choosing a tattoo with a scorpion, girlsstrive to emphasize the inner strength and ability to protect oneself, steadfastness and devotion. Most often the image is complemented by flowers, which symbolizes family happiness and marital fidelity.

Girls choose a neck, a scapula for a tattoo. Scorpio, depicted at the bottom of the abdomen or waist, emphasizes the sexuality and plasticity of the figure.

Features of applying tattoo

Choosing a sketch of a tattoo with a scorpion, menit is better to stop the selection on images in the style of tribal. Tattooes in Polynesian or Celtic, abstract style will look bright. Realistic images in which scales and claws are worked out look especially advantageous and intimidating.

Most often, tattoos are made in dark tones - black, brown with accents in red or green.

The value of the tattoo will depend on how the scorpion is depicted.

Если его клешни подняты и изображение выполнено bright colors, it will talk about the dexterity and purposefulness of the owner. If the claws are closed and the tail is rounded, then it symbolizes calmness and wisdom.

scorpion tattoo on arm

Drawings on which the sting is more than claws speak of authority and the desire to win, power. Tattoos on which the claws more sting, talk about peace and peacefulness of the owner of the tattoo.

Tattoos with a predominance of orange or red can warn about temper and aggression of a person.

As the value of the tattoo depends on the place of application

The choice of where to get a tattoo is individual and depends on the taste of the person. But the meaning of a symbol can change depending on where it is located on the body:

  • Tattoo on the neck, says that the man is not dangerous, until he was touched. About willingness to stand up for themselves in case of danger.
scorpion neck tattoo
  • The image on the calf speaks of power and strength, the ability to achieve his own regardless of obstacles.
  • A tattoo on the chest means strength and courage, most often depicted as an attacking scorpion.
  • Adjacent to the flower tattoo "Scorpion" on the shoulder - a symbol of marital fidelity. This value came from Japan.

A few more nuances of tattoo values

Often tattooed with a scorpion makepeople born under his sign. The tattoo emphasizes their inner strength and mystical inclinations. These are people with a developed intuition, able to control their emotions.

In some cases, a tattoo with a scorpion in men may indicate passion and desire to control a woman, and heightened jealousy.

The meaning of a tattoo is quite diverse, but, in general, it speaks of strength and courage, the ability to defend oneself. Photos of the tattoo "Scorpion" talk about the effectiveness and brightness of images.

Scorpion tattoos are chosen by strong and extraordinary personalities.