/ / How to make a gradient manicure at home?

How to make a gradient manicure at home?

How to make a gradient manicure at homeconditions? In our article you will find out the answer to an exciting question. Regardless of time and fashion, women's hands and especially fingers riveted the attention of fashionistas. Hands, and with them the nails, and today attract attention, especially if they are well-groomed. If in more ancient times clean hands and neatly cut nails were sufficient, now a variety of shapes, colors and types of processing is amazing. Modern women, both young and older, there is plenty to choose from. After all, you can and grow nails, and cover them with a special gel composition or varnish on a gel base.

Why is it popular?

A sufficiently popular option isgradient manicure, a photo of it for clarity presented in the article. Such nail art can be done not only in the salon, but also at home on your own, which will be cheaper. And before you make a gradient manicure, you need to arm yourself with certain knowledge. It is quite easy to get the necessary information about the methods and design in our article.

Gradient manicure at home

Why is gradient manicure popular? The reasons for the popularity of this new type of manicure include:

  1. The beauty of the final result, which additionally creates a mood.
  2. Practicality. Since such a manicure is suitable for any outfit, no matter what color it is, and if the outfit is difficult to choose, then any accessory can always save the situation.
  3. When using gel polish to createGradient manicure can not worry about the appearance of nails for a long time, which also saves time. Even the use of high-quality varnish and fixer will make it possible to forget about the need to update the coating.

What do you need?

First we define that the gradientManicure is a special technique of applying a lacquer coating, which involves a gradual transition from one color to another. Compliance with all the rules of application guarantees a spectacular view of the final result.

Create a gradient manicure at home is quite possible. True, it is necessary to acquire a minimum set of tools in advance. What do you need to create such nail art?

How to do a gradient manicure at home
  1. Sponge for a gradient manicure is generally suitableany. You can use and economic. The manicure sponge has a small size, about 1.5 cm by 3-4 cm. That is, if you use a household sponge, then you need to cut out the necessary number of pieces from it in advance.
  2. Food grade polyethylene, foil or regular bag.
  3. Matches or toothpicks, a couple of pieces.
  4. Basis for lacquer.
  5. A fixative over varnish.
  6. Cover different colors to create a gradient.
  7. Lacquer remover, cotton swabs, vice or just cotton wool.
Snow gradient manicure

All of the above will be required if you plan to make a gradient manicure with varnish. But it is also possible to use a slightly different coating.

Gel polish

If it is assumed that the gradient manicure will be performed with a gel polish, then you may also need:

  • drying lamp;
  • special means for its removal;
  • special base and finish coating.

It should be noted that before creatingManicure yourself, you need to decide what materials it will be executed. As the technique with the use of traditional coatings and gel-based coatings is still different.

Preparatory stage

Gradient manicure is created on preparednail plates. It is necessary to process the nails, arrange them in the chosen form and trim off the excess cuticle. That is, in a word, to make a high-quality high-quality manicure. After the nails are dry after water, they must be degreased with alcohol or nail polish remover, this ensures the durability of the coating. After you need to make the coating base. To do this, you can use a special composition designed for this or any other colorless medicinal varnish.

Gradient Manicure Gel Varnish

If a gradient manicure is created usinggel varnish, then before applying the base, you can lightly treat the surface of the nail with a soft nail file. Then just degrease and apply the foundation, which must be dried under a special lamp. When the nails are ready, you can proceed to applying a coating of several colors.


Before you make a gradient manicure, you need to decide what kind of gradient is needed. It happens:

  1. Horizontal, the arrangement of colors in which changes from right to left or vice versa.
  2. Vertical. Colors, which vary from top to bottom.
  3. Original. It features a color change from one finger to another.
  4. French, which has a transition from white toe nails to a transparent base.

How to make?

Принцип создания градиента вариантов одинаков для any of the options with some features. Before making more complex drawings, with a large number of shades, it is best to start with the simplest option, that is, using a small number of colors. So how to make a gradient manicure? To understand the process, we divide it into stages:

How to make a gradient manicure at home
  1. It is necessary to prepare a work surface, laying out a foil or a film on it.
  2. Next, cover the surface of the nail varnish primary color. This applies to both traditional varnish and gel polish. Then dry the coating well.
  3. After on the prepared surface you need to apply the pre-selected colors for the gradient in the form of blots, and a toothpick to blur the boundaries between them.
  4. Transfer to the sponge for the gradient billet. By lowering it into the prepared pattern.
  5. The next stage is a sponge printingmovements, we apply color preparation. Care must be taken to ensure that the colors are transferred to the nail plate in the chosen sequence. This method of application is suitable for gel-based varnishes.
  6. Next, you need to dry the applied layer. For gel polish drying is suitable only in a special lamp.
  7. Full drying of the created gradient givesthe ability to go to the application of the finishing coating, which will add shine and preserve the manicure as long as possible. For gel polish, such a coating is called top. It is also dried only in the lamp.
  8. At the last stage it is necessary to clean the skin soiled with varnish. This should be done as carefully as possible, using cotton pads and sticks.


Additionally, it should be noted that for applying flowers to the sponge does not necessarily make the workpiece. You can richly apply the selected shades to it with overlapping colors with each other.

How to do a gradient manicure at home

В этом случае расход материалов будет больше.You also need to clarify that to create a vertical gradient of color varnish can be applied directly to the nail, maximally joining them. At the same time, you can blur the borders with a sponge to the desired result. It should also be borne in mind that as the sponge hardens and crumbles, it is necessary to change it. When creating a gradient with the use of glossy colors, difficulties may arise with the tone associated with its change when stretching. In this case, the number of layers of the applied topcoat will have to be increased. Such problems with matte varnishes, as a rule, do not arise.

Different methods of application techniques

In addition to applying a gradient with a spongethere are other techniques. Their difference is that they require greater dexterity and more difficult to perform. Only after a certain training can you use them, achieving the desired result. These techniques include:

  1. Application with a brush.In order to get a good result, the layers of color should be applied very thin. And then due to light movements with a moist brush on the surface of the nail shade the applied layer. Such manipulations are carried out until the desired result is obtained, which must be fixed with the help of a finishing coating. We must not forget that each layer must be dried.
  2. Creating a gradient with stencils.To do this, select the image and colors that will move from one to another. Each section of the image is applied with a thin layer and dried. Due to which the final result is obtained.
  3. A manicure with a gradient effect can be created using a special device called an airbrush. It is good that you can get accurate coverage with minimal time.

A small conclusion

Despite the number of ways to createfashion manicure for a beginner, at home application with a sponge will be the best option that does not require additional training. Learning this method at home will be easier and cheaper than everyone else, and the result is comparable to salon care.

Gradient manicure at home

Having accumulated a certain experience in technologyself-creating a gradient manicure, a woman can not only look great, remaining, as they say, in a trend, but also earn some money. After all, everyone wants to look good, but not everyone has the time and opportunity, and sometimes patience and ability to learn how to create. When developing such skills, making money without leaving your home becomes very real, which can be important, for example, for mothers with children. Given the current prices for nail care services, such income can serve as a good addition to the family budget.