In the rapid rhythm of modern life is not always theretime to visit the beauty salon. Therefore, often a question arises about how to make a French manicure at home. It's easy to cover nails with colored varnish, but this is not always exactly what is needed. For example, if the nails are adorned with blue-green ornament from yesterday's party, then it is inconvenient for him to go to the office. And maybe just do not have time to tint your nails. French manicure is so popular precisely because of this. Both in the disco and in the office "french" will look appropriate and neat. He will emphasize natural beauty without distorting it. By the way, this was the reason for the invention of the French manicure. Hollywood actresses, working in a fairly tense mode, it was just not enough time to pick the right manicure for the next room. And then such an option was proposed, "french". He really liked Hollywood stars, and then the whole world. And the French manicure acquired its name when it was used by fashion models on the catwalks of France.
Requirements of the classic French manicuresimple enough: neat, short nails, the main varnish is extremely natural color, preferably even a translucent and light, more often a white strip along the edge of the nail. But fashionistas are used to experimenting with everything that has settled, and now such a manicure is done both on long nails, and colorful, with rhinestones.
At first it may seem that to make "french"beautifully and correctly only in the cabin. A light line along the edge of the nail should be perfect, otherwise the whole impression will be spoiled. But this is not so. If you know how to do the French manicure correctly, it will also be easy. There are several different ways to make a French manicure at home. You can try everything and choose the most suitable one. They differ slightly in the result.
Before you make a French manicure inat home, make sure that all the tools - scissors, nail files, varnishes - are cooked and easy to get. Search for them then with a drying varnish on the nails will be somewhat uncomfortable.
The French manicure has one nuance - often based on a translucent lacquer, so the nails will need to be carefully polished.
It is convenient to use kits for Frenchmanicure of two or three varnishes. There are: the main lacquer natural color, white enamel for the edge of the nail and (not always) transparent fixers lacquer. But this is not necessary, you can choose your own.
In the first variant, the main varnish will be transparent.First, a conditional semicircle is drawn along the edge of the nail with white enamel. Do not try to paint beautifully - then it is leveled with a cotton swab. When the enamel is a little dry, a cotton swab with a nail polish remover is now very neat, align the bottom edge of the semicircle until you like the result. At the top of the nails are covered with a clear varnish or fixer - and the French manicure is ready.
The second option is more time consuming, but it is suitablefor those who love the basis of natural colors, and not quite transparent. First apply the main varnish - beige, pink - your choice. When it completely dries, you can draw a semicircle. For this, ordinary scotch is taken or special templates are purchased. A semicircular pattern is simply pasted onto the nail with an indent from the edge to the distance of the future white line. Scotch edges are straight, so you'll have to tuck it a little under the semicircle. Now apply white enamel on the free distance. Excess will remain on the stickers and they can be safely cleaned. When the enamel dries, the nails are covered with a transparent fixer and you get an excellent "french".
Knowing how to make a French manicure at home, you will save yourself both time and money. We will have to practice a little, but it will pay off.