/ / How to make beautiful manicure: step by step instruction

How to make beautiful manicure: step by step instruction

Manicure is not just a feminine whim, but an importantelement of its image. Looking at a woman, you involuntarily pay attention to the state of her fingernails. They must be neat and tidy. And to be exactly so, every woman should know how to make a beautiful manicure. I offer you a detailed instruction that will help you to start properly nail care.

Step-by-step beautiful manicure at home

  • So, let's start with the fact that we will wash our hands wellsoap, and also remove the old lacquer, if any, on your nails. It would be superfluous to make a special nail tray, which will strengthen them and at the same time break the cuticle.
  • Now we will work on the cuticle, sincebeautiful manicure, not paying her attention, it is unlikely to work. Cuticle is better not to cut, and apply a special emollient on it, and then carefully remove it with a stick.

how to make beautiful manicure

  • The next step is the formation of the length of the nails andshaping them. If the nails seem too long, cut them with special pliers. The almond shape is considered fashionable, but if the nails do not allow it, then try to give your nails an oval or square shape. At this stage, carefully polish the nails polishing the nail file to remove all the flaws and irregularities.

how to make a beautiful manicure on short nails

  • Now we cover our nails with the base. It will protect them from the effects of the components of the varnish, and the latter will allow it to lie more evenly.

beautiful and simple manicure

  • It's time to apply varnish.You can choose any color, at your discretion. Apply the varnish first in the center of the nail, once with a brush from the base to its edge. Then we do the same on the sides. How to make a beautiful manicure, if it did not turn out neatly to make up the nail? It's okay, just rinse the lacquer with a special liquid and repeat everything again.

beautiful and simple manicure

  • Often, one layer of varnish is not enough, especially if you want to get a saturated color. Do not be afraid to apply another layer, but it should be done after the first one dries well.
  • We wait until the varnish is completely dry, remove the excess liquid by the edges of the nail, and then cover each nail with a transparent varnish-fixer.

how to make beautiful manicure

Such a beautiful and simple manicure is suitable forany case. Well, if you want something more festive, you can dream up and decorate your nails, for example, with special stickers, rhinestones, sequins.

Many people are worried about how to make a beautiful manicure on short nails. You can read the answer above.I just want to add that not always the color of the varnish, which looks elegantly on long nails, will also look nice on short ones. Nevertheless, everything is known in comparison. Do not be afraid to experiment with color and decor, only in this case you can pick up what will effectively look on your short nails.

Now you know how to make a beautiful manicure, andso you can not waste time and money on a trip to the salon. But it's also important to remember that a manicure is not done once and for a long time. Once a week you will definitely have to do everything in a new way, because the cuticle will start to grow, and the varnish will lose its attractive appearance day after day. But what to do, beauty requires sacrifice!