/ / Gelatine lamination at home. Gelatine hair lamination

Gelatine lamination at home. Gelatine hair lamination

Gelatine lamination at homehelps representatives of the fair sex look amazing and without salon procedures. The naturalness of gelatin ensures the safety of the mask. And the effect of the home procedure is the same as after the expensive salon lamination. Does it make sense to overpay?

Gelatine hair lamination

Lamination curls are necessary in those cases if the hair:

  • dull, lifeless;
  • overdried with iron or hairdryer;
  • suffered from dying, chemical wave;
  • split at the tips;
  • They break, tangle when combing.

Gelatine lamination at home -This is a cosmetic procedure that will help the curls look healthy, beautiful. The essence of lamination is that the composition covers each hair with a film. It protects curls from external damages, retains the necessary moisture.

gelatin lamination at home

The expensive lamination procedure in the salon can be replaced with a home one. It will come out much cheaper. And the effect will be the same as after visiting the beauty salon.

Effect after lamination

Lamination at home will allow the curls to look resilient, healthy. Shine will appear, the fragility of the hair will disappear. If the curls are badly damaged, then the effect of lamination will be more noticeable.

gelatinous hair mask effect of lamination at home

After the procedure, the hair is easily combed. Hair is not torn, not electrified. The volume and rich color appear.

The effect of lamination, depending on the individual characteristics and frequency of washing the head, lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. Therefore, the procedure is best done once or twice a month.

Gelatin base - benefit for hair

For lamination at home usegelatin. This natural remedy is an extract from the tendons of animals. Gelatin is a food product. It is used in cooking, so for hair it is completely safe. The composition of gelatin - necessary for hair microelements, amino acids.

gelatin hair lamination

Experienced masters of manicure recommend forimprove the condition of the nails to make a mask with gelatin. And its effect on the hair is simply necessary. Gelatin restores damaged hair structure. Makes them soft and poddativymi. He, enveloping his hair, forms a protective "breathing" film.

Gelatine hair lamination at home will save the split ends. Curls will become smooth, elastic. A rich shade of hair will appear.

The advantages of the lamination procedure

It is necessary to know that compliance with the rules of preparation of the recipe, the accuracy of the recommendations will make the procedure effective. Gelatine lamination at home has its advantages.

  1. The curls look healthy, shiny, supple.
  2. The procedure is safe - it is based only on natural ingredients.
  3. Lamination will protect curls from adverse external influences.

Lows of the lamination procedure

Different structure of hair can lead to different results of lamination, even if all the nuances of the procedure are observed. Before you laminate the house, you should take into account its disadvantages.

  1. An allergic reaction to the composition of the mask is possible. Before the procedure, it is necessary to make a test - apply gelatin to the skin. If after 10 minutes there is an itch, a burning sensation - it is better to refuse lamination.
  2. The composition should not be applied to the scalp. Otherwise, dryness, dandruff, irritation may appear.
  3. After the procedure, the curls will become more dirty.

Gelatine lamination at home

Gelatin has the property of adjusting the structurehair. After the procedure, the curls look well-groomed, smooth. Only on clean, damp hair is applied gelatinous hair mask. The effect of lamination at home may not show up if violations were made during the preparation of the staff.

gelatinous hair lamination at home

  • Before and after lamination, do not use the hair dryer - the hair should dry naturally.
  • The composition should be kept on hair for 1 to 1.5 hours.
  • Apply the mask evenly, without touching the scalp.
  • If you plan to paint - it should be done before lamination.
  • After applying the gelatinous laminate head wrap with cling film and a towel.
  • Rinse the curls with warm water, without using balm.
  • Lamination with gelatin can be done at home no more than 2 times a week.

Basic recipe

Базовый рецепт желатинового ламинирования – это the basis for all kinds of masks with sour cream, butter, honey, henna or decoction of herbs. They will help enhance the beneficial effect of the procedure, give the necessary shade to hair.

The basic recipe can be used withoutadditions. He perfectly cope with lamination curls. The recipe consists of brewed gelatin and conditioner. It is important to know that all aids are introduced only into the cooled gelatin.

recipe gelatin lamination

The basic recipe is designed for short hair. Depending on the length, it is necessary to increase the dosage.

  • Pour gelatin (one tablespoon) with cold boiled water (3 tablespoons). Leave the mixture to swell (from 20 minutes to half an hour).
  • After a fixed period of time put the cup with the mixture in a water bath. Be sure to stir - should get a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil.
  • The cooled mask is suitable for lamination.

This basic mask can be applied to the hair, retreating from the roots of 2–5 cm. For greater effect, you should add air conditioning - so the mask will be better off.

Mask with honey

Gelatin lamination of hair at home is possible using a basic recipe or other recipes based on it. Honey mask will strengthen the curls, give them silkiness and elasticity.

gelatin hair lamination reviews

To prepare the composition you need to baserecipe (3 tbsp. l.) add a teaspoon of shampoo. It is necessary for better washing off the mask. Add a teaspoon of water and two teaspoons of natural (non-sugared) honey.

Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous mass.

Mask with colorless henna and mustard

Gelatinous lamination at home will make hair light, supple. And henna and mustard will get rid of stiffness, will give smoothness to curls.

К желатиновой основе (3 ст. л.) add egg yolk, a tablespoon of colorless henna and a teaspoon of dry mustard. Stir the mixture thoroughly. If it is too thick, add a few drops of water.

Mask with essential oil

An etheric gelatin hair mask is recommended for the flexibility and shine of the curls. The effect of lamination at home, enhanced with essential oil, is complemented by a pleasant aroma and a feeling of freshness.

For the mask will fit any essential oil - jasmine, rosemary, lavender, sandalwood, lemon. To gelatin base (3 tablespoons) add 2 teaspoons of conditioner and 3-5 drops of the selected oil.

Professional lamination products

In cosmetic shops or online storesYou can find professional products for lamination curls at home. When choosing a product you should pay attention to the fact that it can be colorless or tint.

The procedure itself consists of:

  • hair preparation;
  • lamination of curls;
  • final rinsing.

Cosmetic companies produce entire lines forlamination hair home. The set usually includes shampoo, lotion (or mask) - these funds will prepare the hair for the procedure. Then on the curls should be applied branded laminate. At the end of the procedure - shampooing with a special conditioner (or balsam).

 gelatinous lamination at home

Companies that produce products for lamination curls at home:

  • Lebel Cosmetics (Japan);
  • Paul Mitchell (United States);
  • Double Action (Italy);
  • Lombok (Korea);
  • Estel (Russia).

When performing the lamination procedureProfessional tools must follow the instructions. Time, sequence of application of funds - the obtained effect will depend on these subtleties.

Gelatin Lamination Reviews

Most girls and women are delighted withhome lamination gelatin. This inexpensive tool has gained real popularity. Positive feedback is based on the fact that gelatin mask can be done often - once a week. She is natural. Collagen contained in gelatin restores loose and brittle hair. After the mask curls become smooth, shiny, light.

Is gelatin lamination suitable for everyone?Reviews of negative content indicate that no effect was found after the mask. Hair remains in the same condition as before gelatin lamination. Dry curls look lifeless and dull. No amount and special elasticity is noticed.