Summary is one of the effective ways declare yourself as a specialist and bring this information to the employer. Цель резюме заключается не в перечислении own professional skills. Here the main thing is to draw the attention of the employer to your person and create an impression of yourself to be invited to a personal meeting. Create a resume is not difficult - the image of the resume can be found in any job brochure or download from the Internet.
The basic principles of a resume are brevity (no more than 1.5 pages), accuracy (no corrections or, God forbid, mistakes) and truthfulness.
I would like to add one more point -non-standard. Since dozens of the same CVs are made through the personnel department and the head of the firm, it is very important of the total mass to try to stand out. This refers to the form of information and its content. A sample resume gives you only a foundation, you need to fill it up as much as possible individually. Do not be afraid to be non-standard, but do not go to jungle.
Sample summary - just a sample. Let's try to make it effective pass to the new workplace.
- the resume should be "adjusted" for each specific vacancy. Do not regret it for a few minutes. Because the dry universal summary risks drowning in a hundred similar on the desk of the personnel officer.
- Do not send a CV by fax.Better email, through the site or bring in personally. The quality of facsimile paper can impose a depressing impression on your resume, although there are no objective reasons for this. But the resumes of other applicants, printed on high-quality paper, will immediately get a head start.
- Make a resume in accordance with the requirements that a specific company puts forward. Extend the resume sample with specific items related to the place of competition.
- Specify only meaningful for a particularvacancy information. Additional skills that are not relevant to a particular case are of no interest to anyone. Do not try to embellish yourself as a specialist, overestimate the level of knowledge of languages. In the case of personal conversation, these "inaccuracies" will not play in your favor.
- Describing personal qualities, try to move away fromtemplate "neat, performers, communicative, inclined to learn." These are standard phrases, almost "downloaded" along with the sample summary. At this point you need to show individuality, show that you are an interesting, independent and, in the end, creative personality!
The general sample of the resume for work asserts that it should include the following items:
1. Information about the applicant (last name, first name, middle name). The word "Summary" in the title should not be used.
2. The purpose of job search: what kind of work you need specifically, and what specific knowledge and skills you have in this area.
3. Personal data: contact information (address with zip code, phone numbers, as well as e-mail address, personal website, data on marital status and availability of children).
4. Work experience: the transfer must be in the reverse temporal order, the first point indicating the last place of work. It is necessary to indicate the periods of work and positions held.
5. Education: the names of educational institutions write completely, and not just an abbreviation, years of study.
6.Additional information: what emphasizes your strengths, demonstrates useful abilities or the availability of knowledge that will be useful in a new job. This includes the passed courses, the level of computer knowledge and possession of office equipment, the availability of a driving license, knowledge of foreign languages.
In the same paragraph, you can list personalQuality, which are related to the production or work process. This information is not mandatory for indication, so if there is nothing to say, do not torture yourself. But it's better to try and paint your own psychological and professional portrait in a few words. This, too, pay attention.
This will tell you any sample resume for the device to work.
The resume should be capacious. This is perhaps the most accurate word that can bedescribe a good resume. A page or one and a half text should be able to tell about you everything so that the most critical directors feel that there is potential in you. Filling out a resume sample, do not get carried away by trifles. They are only capable of annoying those who have to reread dozens of such masterpieces a day. Briefly and specifically write only about the essence.