/ / The recipe for an amazing dish: pork in batter

The recipe for a marvelous dish: pork in batter

Exercising or just runningworking day all day, we get tired, and our body requires good nutrition, rich in proteins and vitamins. Meat dishes should be included in the daily diet to raise the tone and replenish the supply of nutrients. Meals with the use of meat products abound, they all differ in their benefits and unsurpassed taste. The recipe for one of these tasty and unforgettable meat dishes today will be discussed in detail in our article, namely, we learn how to cook pork in batter, the taste of which is characterized by tenderness and softness.

Ingredients for cooking pork will need a little, so costs will be minimal.

Must be purchased:

pork filet, about 700-800 grams;

- olive oil 3 - 4 spoons;

- milk of any fat content (200 grams will be quite enough);

-Also 4 cups of flour;

- two eggs and spices to taste.

It is also important that the entire kitchen be present.necessary equipment, among which must be: a hammer for chops, a cutting board, a mixer, a knife, forks, a frying pan and a kitchen towel.

Pork in batter, the recipe of which, as you have seen, does not require many ingredients, will surprise you with its delicate taste, if you follow the rules of cooking clearly and strictly.

Choosing a good pork meat in the store (preferablybrisket, since it is this variety that is distinguished by tenderness and juiciness), first of all engage in its thorough rinsing under running water. Next, on a cutting board, using a sharp knife, cut out the excess veins, pieces of bacon and fat, so that cooked pork in batter will not be spoiled.

In the next step, cut the meat. Portion pieces should not exceed the size of 3 to 3 centimeters, because larger portions can be unevenly fried.

After the pieces are cut, it's timebegin the process of beating. If you still use a sort of loin, then you should not beat it off, because by itself this meat is already very soft and gentle, and an extra beat will only spoil the taste of pork in batter.

When all the pieces are properly processed and repulsed,You can proceed directly to the batter. There are many recipes for cooking batter, but often there are only ordinary spices and ingredients at hand, so you need to know the principle of cooking the simplest batter. The recipe of our mix will make pork more soft and tender.

All you need is to beat the eggs and milk in a blender,gradually adding flour and spices. Make the lumps disappear and the batter will turn out to be of medium consistency (not liquid and not thick). The mixture should resemble something like a dough for pancakes or pancakes.

Приготовив кляр, приступаем к обжариванию мяса, but before that heat up the pan to the limit, pouring 30-40 grams of olive oil. Pork in batter should be roasted over high heat. Take the sliced ​​pieces, dip them in the batter (it is important that the meat is completely covered with it from all sides) and put it neatly on the pan.

Если вы думайте, что после всего the above, your pork in batter ready, then you are mistaken. So that your chop price was not, use another interesting way. When the pork is cooked, reduce the heat on the stove to almost the minimum, cover the pan with a lid, thereby organizing for it the effect of steaming. Thanks to the moisture that accumulates on the surface of the lid, and then slowly flows down to the bottom of the pan, your chops are really juicy and fluffy.

The whole process of cooking pork does not takemore than an hour, and the joy and pleasure of a delicious dish will be enough. Pork in batter in Chinese, as it is often referred to as Western chefs, has long occupied a significant place in the diet of each family.