/ / Pork - Recipes for Delicious Meals

Pork Recipes Tasty Dishes

Как бы ни говорили поклонники вегетарианства и the more syroedeniya that meat is harmful to health and even life-threatening, the number of "meat-eaters" does not decrease, and various meat dishes look so appetizing and exude such aroma in the area, that the stomach convulsively shrinks in convulsions (even among vegetarians) and starts to digest himself.

Dishes from pork are in the kitchens of different nations. Pork Recipes just do not count, suitable for cooking as the first course, and the second.

Very tasty is pork with prunes. The recipe contains the following components:

* lean pork (shoulder part) - 900 grams
* prunes - 100 grams
* garlic - 2 cloves
* mayonnaise - 1 tsp.
* French mustard - 1 tsp.
* salt, black pepper (freshly ground)

To cook a piece of pork, you first need to flatten it, that is, cut it in half in half almost to the end, open it, and then carefully beat off.

Repulsed pork need pepper and salt withboth sides to taste. Chop the garlic and sprinkle on the pork on one side, put well-washed prunes in a thick layer on top. Now you need to roll the pork roll and tie a rope. Bake roll need on high heat in the oven for about twenty minutes. Then the pork is smeared with a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise and put in the oven for another hour.

After the roll is ready, itslaid on the foil, after removing the thread. You can also serve pork roll in a cold way - this is a great cold snack, and hot as a main dish. Cooked in this way pork recipes which are familiar to many hostesses, can be served on the table both on a weekday and on a holiday.

Here is another interesting dish:Pork recipes of this kind are perfect for a party, with prune sauce. This dish belongs to European cuisine, and it is cooked easily and quickly - it will take just half an hour to prepare it.

Consumption of products per serving:

* pork (tenderloin) - 220 grams
* prunes (pitted) - 40 grams
* garlic - 5 grams
* honey - 20 grams
* ketchup - 50 grams
* vegetable oil, spices, salt - to taste

Before grilling meat on the grill orgrill, it needs to be seasoned with spices and greased with vegetable oil. Fry pork until cooked on both sides. Before cooking the sauce, you need to pour the boiled water for 10 minutes with the prunes, then drain the water and add the finely chopped garlic. Then add ketchup, honey and bring to a boil. If the sauce is too thick, it is diluted with water, in which the prunes are steamed. Fried pork slices are poured over the sauce and served on the table.

Pork recipes in the pan

Very easy and quick to cook in a pan fried pork. Despite the speed of preparation and its apparentsimplicity, the dish is not only very filling, but also very tasty. To prepare the dish you will need the following, all known components. Any housewife will find them in her closet or refrigerator. At least in the nearest grocery store everything you need will definitely be there.

So, you need half a pound of loin, egg,soy sauce (half a cup), dessert wine, stashed in case of need from a husband (2 large spoons), three large spoons of good vegetable oil (preferably unrefined sunflower oil, so that the seeds smell) and one spoon (large) of sugar. Jlya Klyar need flour and water.

Soy sauce, wine and sugar mix thoroughly andin this mixture, salt the loin chopped into small cubes. While the process is underway, you can make a batter by mixing an egg, flour, and take the flour as much as needed, and add a little cold boiled water.

Now pieces of meat roll in batter and fry inoil, heated to about 180 degrees. With the port, remove the meat with a skimmer, hold it slightly on the weight, put it back into the oil and fry until golden brown. Meat should be fried in two steps so that it is well roasted and browned outside. The taste of pork will be very tender.

It's all. Just do not forget after taking the sample to leave something for the general table ...