Рыба в кляре может послужить не только закуской, but also the main course on the festive table. There are a huge number of recipes for its preparation. The difference is not only in the types of fish, but also in the recipes for cooking batter. Let's see how you can cook fish in batter.
Fish in batter: a traditional recipe
This very simple recipe will help you learncook fish in batter. For 1 kg of fish (for example, salmon or any other fish without bones) you need to take 200 g of flour, a little milk, onions and 2-3 chicken eggs.
Fish fillets should be cut into small portionspieces, mix with onions, cut rings, add salt, pepper, vinegar and leave to marinate. For batter, mix milk with flour (to the consistency of liquid sour cream), add yolks and separately - whipped whites. In the resulting claret dipped fish and fry in sunflower oil.
Fish in battered beer
Very delicious turns fish, cooked in beer batter. For its preparation for 1 kg of fillets you will need 100 gr. flour, spoons 3-4 beers, 1 tsp. sugar, milk spoons 5 and 1 yolk.
Ingredients of batter should be mixed until homogeneouscondition and salt. For splendor, you can add one whipped yolk. Fish (after removing the bones) cut into pieces, dip first in the flour, then in the batter. Deep fry with a large amount of oil.
Fish in battered wine
For this dish you will need a sea trout (one and a half kg), a lemon (2), flour, white pepper and butter. On the stick: 2 eggs, slightly less than a glass of flour, 100 ml. wine dry white and salt.
We prepare the sauce: beat the flour with yolks, 150 ml of water and wine. Proteins podsalivaem and also whipped. We connect after the mixture with the flour will stand for 10 minutes.
Fillet cut into large pieces (should be 10 pieces), rubbed with pepper and salt. Heat the oil in the deep-frying pan (or in the pan), we dip each piece of fish into the flour, and then in the batter and fry.
Fish battered with mayonnaise
For this dish you need to take fillet of pike perch, cod or perch, as well as flour, a couple of pickles and soy mayonnaise.
We cut fish into slices 4 and 1 cm wide., salt, sprinkle with hot pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Flour should be diluted with water to a state of thick sour cream. We dip the fish into the batter and throw it into boiling oil. When the claret becomes golden, pull the fish out of the water, let the oil drain (you can get wet with a napkin) and pour mayonnaise with the cucumber rubbed into it.
Fish in battered potatoes
Approximately 300 grams of fish fillets cut into smallpieces, season with coriander, lemon juice or other spices to taste, salt. 200 gr. raw potatoes rub on a grater, add to it 1 egg and a glass of sifted flour, salt. The fish should be dipped in batter and fried in boiling oil.
Fish in pumpkin batter
To prepare this original dish you will need about 1 kg. fish, 20 g of pumpkin, 2 pcs. bulbs, half a glass of cream, 4 eggs, and a half a stack. flour.
Pumpkin should be cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder along with onions. In the resulting mince add eggs, cream and flour. Pieces of fish dipped in this batter and fried in sunflower oil.
Carp baked entirely in batter
Buy a carp weighing one and a half to two kilograms,clean it from scales and entrails, wash well and salt. 2 tablespoons Wheat flour mix with the egg, if it turns out too thick - add a little water, a little salt and pepper.
Inside the carp, put 200 gr. cabbage sauerkraut, then put it on a baking tray, pre-oiled, pour over with batter and bake.
Fish in batter with cream sauce
Prepare the sauce: mix 4 tbsp. sour cream and mayonnaise, half a tsp. shabby lemon zest, sliced marinated cucumbers (2 tablespoons) and greens (you can parsley and dill). Put the sauce in the fridge.
We prepare the fish:Half a glass of sifted flour mixed with 25 grams of Parmesan cheese, 1 tsp. soda, 1 yolk and 2/3 of a stack. milk. The clay should be dense and homogeneous. Then, stirring, enter into it 6 tablespoons. water and salt. Also put in the refrigerator.
With fish (suitable for cod or flounder), removePeel and cut into thin slices. In the claret, enter the whipped whites. Pieces of fish must first be rolled in flour, then in batter and fried in fat (or in oil). When serving, you need to pour a creamy sauce.