/ / Tasty and juicy pork chop in a frying pan

Tasty and juicy pork chop in a frying pan

Pork chop in a frying pan is aa delicious and aromatic fried dish, which is served to the table only along with the garnish. It should be specially noted that such a dinner has a high fat content and high calorie content. In this regard, it is not recommended for those who carefully monitor their weight.

a recipe for pork chops in a frying pan

Step-by-step recipe for pork chops in a frying pan

Necessary ingredients for the dish:

  • pepper fragrant red - ½ dessert spoon;
  • fresh pork (should take the pulp without fat) - 1 kg;
  • common salt - 1-1,5 small spoons (add at personal discretion);
  • adzhika acute - use as desired (2-3 small spoons);
  • basil dried - 5-15 grams;
  • refined sunflower oil - 240 ml;
  • potatoes, fresh vegetables, pasta, etc. - for garnish;
  • garlic fresh small - 3 teeth.

The process of preparation of meat products

pork chop in a frying pan

To the pork chop in the pan did not turn outtoo greasy, for this dish is recommended to purchase only fresh pulp without layers of fat. If you get a piece with a lot of fat, then it is desirable to get rid of it, cutting off with a sharp knife. Thus, meat is required to be washed, cut across the fibers into steaks 1.5-2 centimeters thick, and then severely repulsed with a culinary hammer. Do this on a thick cutting board, otherwise you can ruin the cover of your kitchen furniture.

Pork chop in a frying pan will be muchtastier and smoother, if the pieces of meat pre-flavored with spices and soak in the dishes for about 1 hour. To do this, they are required to cover with 2 sides of scented red pepper, salt, sharp adzhika, dried basil and grated fresh garlic. Next chops should be placed in an enamel pan, cover and leave for 60 minutes. During this short time the product will absorb a part of the seasonings, will become fragrant and tasty.

Heat treatment

pork chops in a frying pan
Pork chop in the frying pan is prepared not solong, as it seems at first glance. To create such a dish, take a deep sauté pan, pour in the sunflower oil to cover the surface of the dishes by 1-1.5 centimeters, and heat up strongly (until the haze appears). After this, you need to take 2 large steaks and gently lay them in a hot pan. In this case, the fire from the maximum value must be reduced to a minimum. When the bottom of the meat is browned, and on the upper side will become protruding bloody discharge, the steak should be immediately turned with a fork. It is desirable to do this very carefully, since oil splashes can contribute to the appearance of a burn. It is recommended to put the finished pieces of pork on a common large plate.

How to properly serve the table

Fried pork chops in a frying pan, photowhich are presented in this article, it is recommended to present to dinner only in a hot state. It should also be noted that such a meat product must necessarily be served along with any garnish. For example, you can make mashed potatoes, boil pasta or spaghetti.