/ / How to bake a cake with lingonberries and an apple? Recipes

How to bake a pie with cranberries and apples? Recipes

Want to get tender and delicious pastries withunusual taste, acting at the same time quickly and without unnecessary trouble? Then use sweet fruits for the filling (apples, pears, apricots) and sour berries - cranberries, lingonberries, viburnum, mountain ash. Combinations can be a huge amount. This article provides a recipe for how to make a lingonberry and apple pie. It also describes the process of cooking charlotte with the same filling.

lingonberry and apple pie

Lingonberry and Apple Pie: cooking stuffing

Take four medium sized fetuses.Peel the apples and peel the inner core and chop into slices. So that the mass does not darken, mix it with two full Art. l freshly squeezed lemon juice (can be replaced with a weak acid solution). Prepare the berries separately: sort out the garbage, wash and dry. Do not mix them with apples.

Lingonberry and Apple Pie: making dough

Beat 120 g of unsalted butter with suchsame amount of sugar. Add 2 fresh eggs, keep mixing. Gradually pour in the wheat flour (180 g) and a little salt. Knead the dough and, wrapping it in cling film or a bag, remove to “ripen” in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

how to cook a cake with lingonberries

Lingonberry and Apple Pie: cooking sauce

150 g of raw skimmed milk boil with 4 full Art. l sugar and then cool. Beat two fresh chicken eggs into lush foam and combine with the cooled mixture. Optionally, you can pour vanilla.

Lingonberry and Apple Pie: shaping and baking

Холодную тестовую массу руками тщательно Spread over a form or baking sheet, greased with very much oil or covered with parchment paper. Do not forget to make the bumpers, as over the fruit will be poured watery in consistency sauce. Put on the bottom, on top of the dough, slices of apples. On top of them pour the berries of lingonberry. Pour the cooled sauce into the fresh mottled mass into the mold. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes. The sauce should thicken and turn into a custard. Serve this cake better when it is cold. then when cutting pieces turn out neat and intact.

Charlotte with apples and lingonberries


- 6 tbsp. l Sahara;

- 2 large chicken eggs;

- 8-9 tablespoons with a heap of flour spoons;

- 1-1.5 tsp. baking powder;

- 1 faceted glass of boiling water;

- vanilla sugar (2 tsp. in the dough, 1 - to the surface);

- 1 dess. l cinnamon (for sprinkling).

charlotte with apples and lingonberries


  1. Beat the eggs in strong, firm foam with sugar.
  2. Combine vanilla sugar, dry baking powder and sifted flour in another container.
  3. Pour the dry mixture into the egg mass and knead the dough.
  4. Pour into a thick dough in a thin slow stream, without ceasing to stir, cold water. The consistency of the mass will be like that of sour cream.
  5. Pour the mixture into a deep greased form.
  6. With apples, remove the peel and core, then chop them into cubes.
  7. Put the fruit mass on top of the dough. Pour cranberries on top.
  8. Sprinkle the surface of charlotte with a mixture of vanilla and ordinary sugar and cinnamon.
  9. Bake at an average temperature of 35-40 minutes. Appetizing charlotte with apples and lingonberries is ready! Treat yourself to health!