/ / Cranberry pie from Darya Dontsova. Cranberry Cake: Recipes

Cranberry pie from Darya Dontsova. Cranberry Cake: Recipes

How to cook a cake with cranberries from Darya Dontsova?Today you will learn the recipe for dessert, as well as the history of its preparation. In addition, we will offer you some more descriptions of delicious pastries that you can easily cook in your kitchen.

pie with cranberries from Darya Dontsova

Cranberry pie from Darya Dontsova

The main characters of a famous writer are usuallypoorly versed in cooking and reluctant to do household chores. However, on the pages of one of the detectives, the saleswoman tells the recipe for a deliciously delicious berry pie. Fans of the detective genre, of course, could not resist and immediately brought it to life. For several years, the pie with cranberries from Darya Dontsova has been very popular, and its description often flashes on the pages of various websites and forums. What ingredients do we need for this sweet dessert? Here is a complete list:

  • One pack of butter or margarine.
  • Three chicken eggs.
  • Two glasses of flour.
  • 300 grams of fresh or frozen cranberries.
  • Sugar - one glass in proteins and to taste in the filling.

Read the recipe for the cranberry pie from Darya Dontsova below:

  • To begin, cut the butter or margarine into cubes, and then beat it with egg yolks and two spoons of sugar. Use a mixer or whisk.
  • Squirrels send cool in the fridge.
  • Add to the products two cups of flour and kneaddough. Put it on the bottom of the mold and stretch it with your hands, forming the basis for the future cake. Do not forget to form the bumpers and make at the bottom a few punctures with a fork. Bake the dough in the oven until tender.
  • Pound berries and mix with sugar (be guided by your taste). Put the stuffing on the finished base.
  • Whip proteins with sugar until thick foam and put them on the berries.

Send the future cake back to the oven for anotherfive or ten minutes. The heroine of a famous writer argues that pastries can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, without growing stale or losing taste. However, Daria Dontsova’s fans of talent cannot confirm this statement, since the cake disappears from the table instantly.

cranberry pie

Cranberry pie with curd filling

And we will continue to introduce you to baking recipes,which is not at all inferior to the taste of the famous dessert of the famous writer. So, this time we offer you to bake a cranberry pie with cottage cheese and coconut filling.


  • Wheat flour - two and a half glasses.
  • Chicken eggs - three pieces (two in the dough and one in the curd).
  • Vanillin - one gram.
  • Sugar - one glass and two more spoons for cottage cheese filling.
  • Coconut chips - four tablespoons.
  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Serum - 250 ml.
  • Vanilla pudding in powder form - 40 grams.
  • Baking powder dough - one bag.
  • Cottage cheese - 300 grams.
  • Milk chocolate - two tablespoons.
  • Cranberries - half a glass.


How to bake a pie with cranberries in a slow cooker:

  • First, beat two eggs with soft butter, sugar and vanilla.
  • Add whey to the products (you can substitute kefir for it), add flour and baking powder.
  • Put the berries in the dough.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the pudding, cottage cheese, coconut, egg and sugar. Beat the products with a blender or mixer.
  • When the preparatory period is over,You can start cooking. Pour half of the dough into the multicooker bowl (do not forget to oil it), then put the curd filling and close it with the remnants of the dough.

Decorate the surface of the cake with chocolate drops, and then turn on the device for 80 minutes. We recommend using the "Baking" mode.

 Cranberry pie recipe from Darya Dontsova

Quick Cranberry Pie

Our recipe will help you to quickly prepare for the meeting of guests who suddenly decided to wrap up with a light. For this dessert you will need:

  • 150 grams of butter or margarine.
  • Two thirds of a glass of sugar.
  • Five eggs.
  • One and a half cup of flour.
  • Half a teaspoon of baking powder.
  • 150 grams of fresh cranberries.
  • One apple.

So, how to cook a cake with cranberries in the oven quickly and tasty? We will describe the dessert recipe below:

  • Beat the butter with sugar, then add two whole eggs and three yolks to the mixture.
  • Put the baking powder and a portion of the flour in a bowl, and then mix all the ingredients well.
  • Roll the berries in the remaining flour and also send them to the dough. As a result, you should have a rather thick mass.
  • Put the mixture in a baking dish and level the surface. Decorate the cake with apple slices, and then send it to bake in a well-heated oven.

After 40 minutes, treats can be removed and cut into pieces.

how to cook a cake with cranberries in the oven

Cranberry Pie

This simple and delicate dessert has a pleasant taste, in which a little sourness creeps in. Prepare it according to our recipe and please your family with a new treat.

Required products:

  • Frozen cranberries - 200 grams.
  • Chicken eggs - three pieces.
  • Sugar - 150 grams and a few spoons for sprinkling.
  • Wheat flour - 150 grams.
  • Yogurt or low-fat sour cream - five tablespoons.
  • Walnuts - 50 grams.
  • Butter - 30 grams.
  • Baking powder for the dough - one and a half teaspoons.
  • Vanillin - one pinch.
  • Powdered sugar.


Cranberry pie with nuts, we will cook like this:

  • Remove the berries from the freezer and let them thaw a little.
  • Chop the nuts into a crumb with a knife or blender.
  • Beat the eggs into a thick foam, gradually pouring sugar to them. Mix the products for another five minutes.
  • Pour the yoghurt into the dough, add the flour, vanilla and baking powder.
  • Butter cut into small pieces or grate. After that, place it on the bottom of a small baking dish (do not forget to grease the walls).
  • Put nuts on the butter, and berries behind them. Sprinkle sugar over the cranberries.

You need to pour the dough into the form and send it to be baked in a preheated oven. Decorate the dessert with powdered, fresh berries or grated chocolate.

 quick cranberry pie

Cranberry Cheesecake

Here is a rather complicated recipe for a delicious dessert. But you will not regret the effort spent on it and prepare the cake for the holiday table more than once.


  • Cookies - 350 grams.
  • Butter - 160 grams.
  • Cranberries - 100 grams.
  • Cottage cheese (the softer the better) - 300 grams.
  • Sugar - 80 grams.
  • Flour - one tablespoon.
  • Cream - two tablespoons and 100 ml for the glaze.
  • Egg.
  • Vanilla extract - one drop.
  • White chocolate.

The recipe for dessert

  • Cook the cake first. To do this, chop the cookies into crumb and mix it with butter. Put the resulting mass on the bottom of the form.
  • Next, mash the berries and add sugar to them to taste. Put the stuffing on the cake.
  • Взбейте творог с сахаром и всыпьте к продуктам sifted wheat flour. Add whipped cream with egg, vanilla. Stir the mixture until it is smooth and smooth. After that, also lay it on the cake.
  • Place the cake pan in a baking dish withwater Send the design to the oven and bake the dessert for half an hour. When the specified time has elapsed, turn off the heat and open the oven door. The cake should cool for another hour.
  • Bring the cream to a boil over the fire and then immediately remove them from the stove. Add chopped white chocolate and mix the products.

Pour glaze over the cake, smooth the surface. After that, let the dessert stand at room temperature for 20 minutes, and then refrigerate it for another two hours.

 how to bake a cake with cranberries


Cook a pie for your family and friends.cranberries from Darya Dontsova! You make sure that the detective genre can give a lot of surprises. Also, do not forget to try the other pastries, the recipes of which we have collected in this article. Cranberry pie will help you out in any situation, help you to meet unexpected guests adequately or to please your loved ones during the evening tea party.