/ / Caviar zucchini for the winter - a great addition to any dish

Caviar from courgettes for the winter - a perfect addition to any dish

Caviar from zucchini for the winter - very commonharvesting, since a jar opened in winter is actually eaten at one meal. Such caviar perfectly complements any second course, and the snack from it is wonderful: you can simply spread it on bread.

Caviar variations are many. There is caviar squash with mayonnaise, is with apples, with various sauces and additives, from sweet to spicy. But they are all united by one, the main ingredient - zucchini.

Caviar recipe

In order to cook delicious caviar, weYou will need the following products: peeled and sunflower seeds, squash weighing 3 kilograms, about 1.5 kilograms of carrots, a kilogram of ripe tomatoes and 250 grams of tomato sauce, half a kilogram of onion, 200 grams of mayonnaise, a quarter cup of sugar and a teaspoon of salt (in the process you can dosolit ), one and a half tablespoons of vinegar. Some people like to add sweet pepper to caviar, but we will do without it in this recipe.

squash roe for winter
We proceed to the preparation of the workpiece "Caviar fromsquash for the winter. " To begin, all you need to wash, squash must be cleaned, remove the seeds from them, cut into cubes, and clean the carrots and onions and cut large enough. Now all the vegetables must be minced and put in a deep frying pan to stew.

Tomatoes must be grated(it is better to pre-cut them in half: in this case, the peel will remain in the hand and will not fall into the jars). Now ready mashed potatoes must be added to zucchini. If everything does not fit in the pan, you can use a thick bottom pan for this purpose.

After boiling the mixture, reduce the heat.to a minimum and leave it stew on the stove. On average, it takes 2-2.5 hours. After this time, the eggs must be candied and salt, enter the mayonnaise, mix everything. If you are a lover of aromatic herbs, you can add them, as well as put chopped herbs (dill and parsley). After that, you need to extinguish the mixture for about half an hour. Caviar from zucchini for the winter is obtained as purchased, if after stewing to skip it through a meat grinder with a fine mesh or use a blender. It turns out a homogeneous mixture of a beautiful dark orange color.

squash roe for winter
That caviar is ready zucchini. Preservation takes less time than preparation. While the roe is stewing, you can sterilize the jars (wash and dry them in the oven), the lids can be boiled.

squash roe for winter
Cooked caviar should be poured into banks.(do this gradually with a spoon or a ladle, so that the banks do not burst), then roll up or tighten the lids. Banks must be put in a secluded place upside down on the covers. This is done so that the caviar from the zucchini be defended for the winter. Be sure to put on the fabric, and the top is better to wrap a blanket or an old rug. After cooling, the cans can be rearranged in a cool place, for example, in the basement or pantry, where they will be stored until winter.

This recipe is also relevant for squash-eggplant caviar, which can also be preserved for the winter or prepared as an addition to a side dish.