/ / Recipe for cooking squash caviar for the winter

Recipe for cooking zucchini caviar for the winter

Recipes cooking squash caviar for the wintervery diverse. This dish is quite popular in the post-Soviet countries. Mistresses harvest caviar in the fall. In winter, then in many families, it is served with any side dish as a salad.

How to prepare banks?

To preserve well preserved and dangerous bacteria did not develop in caviar, the container needs to be processed in advance. Banks are well washed out with detergents. Then they must be sterilized.

sterilization of canning for squash caviar

To do this, they can be placed in the oven for 15minutes And you can also do the process using a special nozzle for pots and steam from boiling water. In recipes for the preparation of squash caviar at home, both methods are used.


This recipe for cooking squash caviar is considered traditional and was used for preservation by our grandmothers.

  1. 3 kg of young squash wash. They are cut into thin circles. In a separate bowl, the shaybochki mix well with salt and leave behind.
  2. Then the juice is poured from the zucchini bowl, and theyfried in vegetable oil on both sides. After two batches, it is advisable to drain the vegetable oil from the pan and change to fresh. Firstly, the overcooked butter is unhealthy, and secondly, it will negatively affect the safety of caviar in the winter.
  3. 1 kg of onion is peeled and cut into thin half-rings.
  4. 1 kg of carrots without peel rubs on the middle nozzle.
  5. Vegetables are fried until soft in vegetable oil.
  6. All previously prepared ingredients are passed through a meat grinder and sent to the pan with a thick bottom.
  7. To this is added 50 ml of tomato paste, 30 g of salt and 20 g of sugar.
  8. The saucepan is put on the fire and brought to a boil over a small fire. Caviar stews for another 15 minutes.
  9. Half-liter jars are washed and sterilized. Caviar is put on them and rolled up with covers. Banks wrapped in a warm blanket. Therefore, they should cool down completely.
zucchini caviar homemade recipes

Now they can be taken out in a cool place and stored for the whole winter.


This recipe for squash caviar does not require roasting vegetables. Therefore, physically, the hostess spends less energy, and the result is beyond all praise. All vegetables are cleaned and well washed:

  • zucchini - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg.

If necessary, cut out of squash seeds.All vegetables are cut into small cubes. They are laid in a pot with a thick bottom and poured with water to cover them slightly. Caviar stew on low heat for 40 minutes.

carrot for courgette caviar

Then the mass should cool down a little. She is interrupted by an immersion blender. Tomato paste is added - 300 ml, sugar (150 g) and salt (60 g). caviar mixes well.

Кастрюля отправляется на конфорку, добавляется в She 60 ml vinegar. Caviar stews for another 15 minutes. The content is laid out on the banks (sterilized in advance) and leave to cool under a blanket. Then cleans up in a cool place.

"As in childhood"

This recipe for squash caviar for the winterrequires a little more time and effort to bring it to life. It has a few more processes than the classic one. But the result will be caviar, which is very similar to the store version, and everyone remembers this taste from childhood.

  1. Need to prepare banks.
  2. Vegetable oil is poured into a separate container at the rate of 5 ml per can (regardless of the displacement).
  3. 3 kg zucchini cleared and cut into medium squares.
  4. Prepare 1 kg of vegetables. Cleaned 6 cloves of garlic.
  5. 100 g of dill and parsley are finely chopped.
  6. Onions are shredded in a cube, the carrot rubs on a large nozzle, and garlic is pressed through with a press.
  7. Zucchini is fried in one pan, and the remaining vegetables are fried on the other. At the same time it is necessary to spare no vegetable oil.
  8. Ready-made vegetables are transferred to a colander and left for a while to make the glass excess oil. Then greens are added to this mass and interrupted by an immersion blender.
  9. In a saucepan, the mass is boiled for 35 minutes. 80 g of tomato paste, garlic, vinegar (40 ml) and garlic are added to it.
  10. The mass is laid out on the banks and just covers the lids (no need to roll up).
  11. Spread to the bottom of the wide pansmall dishcloth and pour water. It is brought to a boil and fire is reduced to a minimum. In the pot placed banks with caviar (water on the shoulders). They are sterilized for 15 minutes.
  12. 5 ml of oil is poured into each serving. Now you can roll up the eggs. Then she wraps herself in a blanket and is left to cool for a day. Banks are taken out in a cool place.

If desired, caviar can be stored in the house, but only in the room with the lowest temperature. For example, in the pantry, you can make shelves for conservation.

squash caviar

With mayonnaise

This recipe squash caviar homemadecooking has recently gained popularity among our housewives. Such preservation turns out very tasty, but you need to close it, observing strictly the amount of all the ingredients. Otherwise, the caviar will turn sour.

  1. 300 g of onions and carrots are peeled. Vegetables are cut into half rings. They are fried until soft in vegetable oil. Then this mass is interrupted in a blender.
  2. 2 kg of zucchini cleared and removed seeds. Vegetables are cut in medium pieces and chopped with a blender or twisted through a meat grinder.
  3. All ingredients are sent to the pan and stew on low heat for 120 minutes. The mass is constantly stirred, otherwise it will burn.
  4. Half an hour before readiness, 200 g of fatty mayonnaise, 200 ml of tomato paste and 80 ml of vegetable oil are added.
  5. 10 minutes before turning off the fire, 30 g of sugar, 25 g of salt, 30 ml of vinegar, and 6 g of paprika are added to the caviar.
  6. The mass is decomposed in banks, and they are sterilized by the above method.

Now you can roll up the container and let it cool. Caviar cleaned in a cool place.

In the multivariate

Такая бытовая техника может помочь не только make a quick dinner, but also make blanks for the winter. This is one of the best recipes for squash caviar for the winter, because it is cooked fairly quickly and has a spicy savory taste.

squash caviar for the winter best recipes
  1. Three cloves of garlic and 250 g of onion is chopped very finely.
  2. Vegetable oil is poured into the bowl. Onions and garlic are sent here, which are fried in baking mode.
  3. 350 g tomato boiled water and removedpeel. The pulp is rubbed through a sieve. It is added to 5 g of salt, sugar, curry, nutmeg, coriander and a mixture of peppers. There also sent 30 ml of vinegar.
  4. This mixture is laid to the onion and garlic and stew for another 5 minutes in the same mode.
  5. 750 g of zucchini and 350 g of carrots are cut into small cubes. They are sent to the bowl to the rest of the ingredients. The slow cooker is set to the mode "Quenching" for 75 minutes.
  6. Caviar spreads on the banks and rolls. They are sent to cool at room temperature. Then canned food is cleaned in a cool place.
squash caviar

All these recipes for the preparation of squash caviar are suitable for using it immediately. Only in this case vinegar is not added.