/ / Caviar from Bulgarian pepper: the best recipes

Caviar from Bulgarian pepper: the best recipes

Any dish that is cookedsweet bell pepper was used, it will be much more fragrant and tastier. And if you cook caviar of Bulgarian pepper for the winter, then you will always have a side dish for main dishes, such as meat, potatoes or porridge. It can also be served on the table as an independent dish.

Caviar from bell pepper with vegetables

Necessary ingredients:

  • Bulgarian pepper - five kilograms.
  • Celery root is one.
  • Tomatoes - six hundred grams.
  • Carrots - six hundred grams.
  • Onions - one kilogram.
  • Parsley root is one.
  • Ground pepper - two teaspoons.

Bulgarian pepper roe


For caviar, the pepper should be large and fleshy.First, you need to put the fruit on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. After cooling, remove the peel and remove the seeds. Onions remove the husks and cut in half. Peel and wash carrots. Wash tomatoes, pour boiling water for two minutes to make it easier to peel. Peel parsley and celery. All components for cooking caviar from Bulgarian pepper for the winter are ready. Now all the ingredients must be crushed. The most convenient way to use a meat grinder.

Add ground pepper to the resulting mass andsalt. Put a cauldron on fire with a small amount of sunflower oil. When the oil warms up, place the mixture in it and simmer, not forgetting to stir for about twenty-five or thirty minutes. Then distribute steamed vegetables in banks. Sterilize in a water bath for forty-five to fifty minutes. Banks with cooked caviar from Bulgarian pepper to get out of the water and immediately roll up the lids. Place in a secluded place, turning the lids down, cover with a blanket and leave for a day until cool.

Bulgarian pepper roe for winter

Universal caviar from bell pepper

You will need the following products:

  • Pepper - three kilograms.
  • Onions - two hundred grams.
  • Tomatoes - one hundred grams.
  • Carrot - one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Oil - one glass.
  • Vinegar - one tablespoon.
  • Allspice - five grams.
  • Salt - twenty grams.
  • Parsley root - fifteen grams.

Cooking caviar

Pepper clean, dry, smear vegetablebutter and bake in the oven. After the pepper is baked, remove, peel and peel off the seeds. The next thing to do is to skip the workpieces through a meat grinder. Rinse the tomatoes, peel them, cut them in half and also chop with a meat grinder.

Heat the pan and pour a mixture oftomatoes Simmer over low heat, stirring regularly, until the liquid has evaporated. Wash and peel the carrots and parsley root. Chop into thin strips, fry a little and set aside. Onion cut into half rings and sauté until golden brown. All products for the preparation of caviar from Bulgarian pepper prepared.

caviar squash with Bulgarian pepper for the winter

Now to the pan with boiled tomatoeslay out fried onions, carrots and parsley root. Sprinkle with allspice, salt and mix. Simmer, stirring for about twenty minutes. Immediately hot spread on the banks. Sterilize for about an hour and a half and preserve. Banks lay upside down, wrap and allow to cool. Prepared according to the presented recipe for the winter, caviar from bell pepper is perfect as a side dish for meat, pasta, potatoes.

Caviar of sweet pepper and zucchini

Икра из болгарского перца и кабачков - это лидер among homemade blanks. Recipes for such a great variety. Prepare it differently, combining with each other in the preparation of various ingredients. To make the caviar tasty, the vegetables should be chosen only fresh, not spoiled. For cooking zucchini caviar with bell pepper (for the winter or just like that, to eat at one time is not important) it is advisable to take young squash, and the Bulgarian pepper must be fleshy and crunchy.

Grocery set:

  • Young squash - three kilograms.
  • Pepper - seven pieces.
  • Carrot - one kilogram.
  • Onions - 0.5 kilograms.
  • Garlic - six denticles.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Butter.
  • Salt.

Cooking caviar from zucchini and pepper

Start cooking caviar from Bulgarian pepper withzucchini need with the preparation of all the ingredients. Rinse vegetables under water and dry. Cut the sweet Bulgarian pepper into two parts, remove the seeds and partitions, cut into small cubes. From the zucchini a thin layer to remove the peel and chop the vegetable.

bell pepper roe recipes

Take the bulk pan, fill with water andput on fire As soon as the water in it boils, put in a pan the whole carrot peeled. Boil for twenty minutes, then remove it and let cool. Finely chop cold carrots and mix them with pepper and zucchini. Pour chopped vegetables into the pan and boil for another twenty minutes after boiling. Then drain the water.

Peeled onion chop thin half rings andfry in a heated pan under the lid until golden brown. Next, you need to mince cooled cooked vegetables and fried onions. Put the resulting mass in a bowl with a thick bottom. Sprinkle with ground pepper, salt, add garlic, and put on fire. Boil from the moment of boiling on the smallest fire under a tightly closed lid for fifty minutes.

As soon as the caviar is cooked, fill the prepared jars with it and roll up the lids. Turn over, cover and allow to cool in this position. Then it will be possible to fold the banks into a convenient storage place.

Classic pepper roe

This pepper caviar is the simplest and most economical.It consists of a minimum amount of ingredients. Cooked according to this recipe, caviar from Bulgarian pepper will be a wonderful, fragrant and useful addition to the main dishes.

Bulgarian pepper roe for the winter recipes

List of required products:

  • Red bell pepper - six pounds.
  • Onions - three kilograms.
  • Sugar is one and a half cups.
  • Vinegar - one glass.
  • Spice.
  • Salt.

Cooking caviar

Solid and fleshy peppers must be washed,remove seeds and septum, then chop large. Peeled peeled onion cut into two halves. Pepper and onions mince with a small nozzle. The resulting mass of vegetables placed in the pot, salt, add spices, sugar, pour oil and vinegar and mix.

Put on the fire and simmer after boilingabout one hour, not forgetting to stir periodically. Fill hot prepared caviar with hot caviar. Sterilize in a water bath for half an hour and cork the lids. Banks with caviar of Bulgarian pepper to lay the lids down, be sure to cover and leave in this position for a day.