If you want to pamper on cold winter eveningssomething fresh, natural and surprisingly tasty, we advise you not to waste time in the fall, but to preserve. Many housewives will agree that store-bought billets can not be compared with the home version.
Simplicity and accessibility
Today "on the agenda" is very simple incooking, but extremely delicious recipe - caviar from zucchini and eggplant. As you know, these vegetables occupy a special position in the kitchen. First, they attract the hostesses for its availability. Agree, the cultivation of zucchini and eggplant in their own cottage - the task is simple, not particularly laborious and subject even to the novice gardener.
Secondly, these vegetables are tasty, fragrant, light incooking. Thirdly, each of the products has a huge supply of vitamins, useful minerals, which are perfectly preserved even after the heat treatment process.
As a rule, housewives cook either squash,or eggplant caviar. But eggplant and zucchini caviar, the recipe of which we are going to consider today, is an unusual, but very successful symbiosis of two vegetable crops. Squashes give the dish sweetness and an amazing aroma, and eggplants share a pleasant spicy bitterness.
Vegetable caviar from zucchini and eggplant with carrots
The first recipe we would like to sharecan be classified as fast, or "lazy." You must admit that often we refuse to try some kind of prescription only because its description contains the word “sterilization”. There is not always time to mess with pots of boiling water and wait for the proper time to sterilize cans with snacks. Today, we will not sterilize anything, as the dish is prepared quickly and without any special problems.
To cook caviar and eggplant caviar, you will need the following products:
- Onions - three pieces.
- Three zucchini.
- Carrots - 2 pcs.
- Two large eggplants.
- 5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.
- 200-220 g of tomato paste.
- A teaspoon of salt.
- 1.5-2 tsp. Sahara.
Cooking process
The first step is to prepare all the vegetables.Thoroughly wash them under running water. Carrots can be cut into small slices or chopped using a coarse grater. Cut the squash first into circles, and then into small cubes. You should do the same with eggplants. Remember that if you want to get more spicy caviar from zucchini and eggplant, then the skin of the last vegetable should be left. If you do not need a spicy bitterness, then remove the peel from eggplants. Onions can be cut arbitrarily.
For mixing products should be in advanceprepare a convenient wide and capacious dishes. Pour the chopped vegetables in there and mix them thoroughly with your hands. It is good if you have a large frying pan on hand where the whole volume fits immediately. If not, you will have to fry the vegetable preparation in portions. Add a little oil before each serving.
After cooling, grind vegetables with a meat grinder.In order to make caviar from zucchini and eggplants turn out to be more tender, we recommend using the smallest mesh and the sharpest knives. To achieve a homogeneous consistency, you can use a blender after the meat grinder.
We shift the mass in the capacity for cooking,add spices, vegetable oil, tomato paste and send to the fire. Do not leave caviar without attention. Thorough and frequent mixing is welcome. After ten minutes you can remove the container from the fire. Hot caviar from zucchini and eggplant lay in sterilized jars and close the lids. Turning is not necessary.
Tip: jars with a volume of 300-500 ml are perfect for this snack. In such a container the snack will be better kept. In addition, the amount of caviar will be enough for one use.
Caviar and eggplant caviar: a simple recipe without sterilization
The next cooking option will be even faster and easier than the first. To implement it, you will need:
- 2.5 kilograms of zucchini and eggplant. Fans of “sharper” take more blue-eyed vegetables, for example 1.5: 1.
- Four large carrots.
- Two onions.
- Six sweet bell peppers.
- Red tomatoes - five pieces.
- Pepper powder, oil, salt, favorite spices.
How to cook
In this recipe, courgette and eggplant caviarwill be prepared without the use of purchased tomato paste. Fresh tomatoes will replace it. They will need to be held for a couple of minutes in boiling water, then get rid of the skin and cut into small cubes. Chop the onion. Dice zucchini, Bulgarian pepper, carrots and eggplants. To remove or not the bitter skin from eggplants is, as they say, the master's.
In the first recipe, we fry all the vegetables.at the same time, as after that they were crushed with a meat grinder. The second recipe does not require the use of kitchen appliances, so we will separate the vegetables to readiness separately. First, we recommend frying the carrots, then add the onions to it. Squash and eggplants can be fried together, at the end throwing sweet pepper to them.
After frying, all vegetables should be folded in a separatepan, add to them tomatoes, salt, spices, vegetable oil and ground pepper. We put on the fire and mark fifteen minutes. Remove from the heat, lay the snack on the cans and immediately close them with lids.
- It is better to use a zakatochny key and tin covers. So the product will be better and longer stored.
- Try to thoroughly wash and sterilize the dishes.
- The lids are boiled.
- Caviar from zucchini and eggplant in a slow cooker can be prepared much faster than on the gas stove.
- Snacks from vegetables are very capricious during storage, so carefully monitor the quality of the products used.
Mistresses in one voice say what to cookcaviar from zucchini and eggplant for the winter can even just beginning to learn the basics of cooking woman. A big plus of this dish is that it consists solely of natural and available ingredients. It can be used both by adults and children. Snack is good for health, quickly prepared and well stored in a cold cellar at the cottage, and in a warm closet in the apartment.
Judging by the reviews, caviar from zucchini and eggplant -Excellent alternative to butter for sandwiches. It can simply be put in a bowl and serve on a festive table. Caviar "overseas" is perfect for both meat and fish dishes.
В заключение поделимся самым беспроигрышным recipe for a sandwich, the main role in which plays eggplant and zucchini caviar. We take a slice of black bread (you can even dry it a little in the oven or fry it in a dry frying pan), rub a crispy bread slice on one side with garlic, put a layer of vegetable caviar. From above, you can add a couple of sprigs of fresh dill or parsley. Enjoy your meal!