/ How to prepare carrot caviar for the winter?

How to prepare carrot caviar for the winter?

Carrot caviar for winter is harvested in different ways.Today we will consider the simplest version, which can be stored for several months in a refrigerator. Such a preparation is good to eat as a snack, and also to use it to create tasty and satisfying sandwiches.

Carrot caviar: recipe for detailed preparation

Components for workpiece:

  • tomato paste - ¾ cup;
  • Laurel leaves - 5-7 pieces;
  • carrots fresh large - 1 kg;
  • bulb large bulbs - 500 g;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 1 full glass;
  • ground black pepper - ½ dessert spoon;
  • salt, sugar, add to taste;
  • garlic large - 2-3 teeth (add to taste).
    carrot caviar for the winter

Vegetable processing

Carrot caviar for winter is harvested veryquick and easy, if only large vegetables are used for such snacks. Thus, the main product needs to be washed well, cut off the stems and peel, and then grind in a meat grinder. Exactly the same should be done with the heads of onions. It is worth mentioning that you can not connect both vegetables in any case, since they need to be processed separately.

Extinguishing vegetables

carrot caviar recipe
To carrot caviar for the winter is goodprepared, take a deep saucepan or an enamel basin, and then put into it the whole crushed orange vegetable, ½ part of vegetable oil and a little water. In this composition, the product must be extinguished to softness. After that, in the other frying pan, place onions, remaining oil, tomato paste, diluted with cooled boiling water (1/4 cup), and bay leaves. These components should be cooked for 25 minutes, and then put them to the extinguished carrots, salt, pepper, add sugar and grated chives of garlic. Next, the ingredients should be well mixed and cook for about 6-9 minutes.

The final stage in the preparation of snacks

As you can see, carrot caviar is prepared for the wintervery easy and fast. If you do not intend to store such a tasty and aromatic snack for too long, then it is not necessary to spread it into sterilized cans. To do this, take ordinary glassware (750 g or 0.5), wash it well and dry completely. After that, the jars need to distribute the whole previously cooked caviar, which must be previously cooled in the cold air.

carrot caviar
In view of the fact that carrots are onlyseason stored in a refrigerator, it is undesirable to seal it tightly. It is enough only to cover the workpiece with a plastic or glass lid and completely cool in the room for a day.

How to properly serve the table

Caviar from carrots and other ingredients will beis suitable for use in a few days after its preparation. Such a snack is recommended to be served for dinner in the cooled state. You can eat it in the form of a winter salad, add to various goulash, gravies or simply apply a piece of fresh bread and use it as a tasty and fragrant sandwich. Keep such a blank is desirable in a cool place for no more than 3 months.