Beef with prunes recipe

Beef - tasty and lean meat, from which you can cook a huge number of dishes. With the recipes of some of them we suggest you to read.

Beef with prunes (recipe) - festive, simple and affordable

The dish is prepared quickly and simply, which, undoubtedly, is its additional advantage.

We need 300-500 grams of beef(preferably pulp) 15-25 berries prunes (not too sweet, as the meat will have a sugary taste), several medium-sized bulbs, two to three tablespoons of tomato paste, spices and salt to taste, cooking oil.

Preparing beef with prunes (the recipe is very simple) as follows:

Step one. We wash and dry meat, cut it into small portions, small cubes, and then season with spices and salt.

Step two. Bulbs cut into half rings, put on a well heated frying pan, after which we leave to languish on low heat for about ten minutes.

Step three.The next stage of cooking such a dish as beef with prunes (the recipe can be changed a little, depending on personal preferences) is the preparation of prunes. Berries are washed, dried, cut into small pieces. The quantity of prunes is determined independently, depending on personal preferences.

Step four.Fry the meat in a well-heated oil until a crust is formed, no more than three to four minutes, add to the meat prepared before the onions, as well as tomato. The resulting mass is mixed, filled with water or broth (the amount will again depend on personal preferences). For further cooking, meat can be transferred to a pan with thick walls.

Step five. We dress our sauce with spices to taste, after which we continue to simmer it on a small fire for an hour, stirring occasionally.

Step Six.Add prunes to the stewed beef, stew until cooked. For young meat, 20 minutes will be enough, for an older one - an hour and a half. The ideal side dish for a dish such as beef with prunes (recipe, hope you liked) will be rice.

Bon Appetit!

Beef baked with prunes - a recipe

A very tasty dish, prepared simply, does not require any specific culinary skills.

For the preparation of baked beef, we will need a beef tenderloin (not more than 700 grams), one onion, 100 grams of prunes, one carrot, olive oil and spices to taste.

Beef baked with prunes is being preparedin the following way. We give the beef tenderloin a rectangular shape (so the dish will look more aesthetic), after which we cut the carrot with straws or neat cubes, along with cramming her meat.

When the tenderloin is ready, rub it with spicesand salt, poured with olive oil, covered with a layer of onion rings and half prunes mixed with pieces of cut (during giving the rectangular shape) meat. We wrap the notch in foil, put it in a preheated oven.

Prepare meat will be from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on how young it was. The ready-cut will have to be laid out on a dish, sprinkled with fresh herbs, served with red wine.

Beef with prunes and potatoes in pots

For cooking baked beef withpotatoes, we need at least 800 grams of beef, six potatoes, a dozen prunes, two onions, five to six cloves of garlic, vegetable oil for frying, fresh greens, spices to taste.

Beef with prunes should be prepared as followsway. The meat will need to be washed, dried and cut into neat pieces, prepare the potatoes (wash, dry, cut into cubes), wash and cut into prunes the prunes.

On hot vegetable oil, meatfried until the "state of rudeness", then transferred to a clay pot and seasoned with spices and salt to taste. The potato is mixed with spices, prunes and onions, after which it is laid out in a pot for meat. The pot is closed with a lid and placed in the oven for two hours.

Before serving, allow the dish to cool slightly, remove the caps from the pots and sprinkle with greens.