Quite often side effects of injections.bumps, seals and bruises become. This complicates subsequent injections, physical and aesthetic inconvenience. Before you learn how to get rid of bumps from injections, find out in which cases you can do it yourself, and when you need to consult a doctor.

Compaction or inflammation?
Not always formed after injectioncompaction may be harmless. A serious nuisance in the form of an abscess requires immediate medical attention. The cause of the inflammatory process may be non-sterile instruments, dirty hands and insufficient disinfection of the injection area. If in the area of injection there is increasing pain, redness, swelling, itching, as well as increased body temperature, it is absolutely not recommended to self-medicate. Therefore, if after the injection a lump formed, it is best to show it to the doctor.
Causes of seals and bruises from injections
Короткая игла (или ее введение на недостаточную depth) is most often the cause of infiltration under the skin. In other words, the medicine does not reach the muscle and remains in the subcutaneous layer. Its further absorption occurs slowly, disrupting the healing process. That is why syringes with long needles are recommended for intramuscular injections, especially antibiotics.
High drug injection ratemay cause seals and hematomas (bruises). In this case, the substance, not having time to be distributed in the muscle tissue, forms a swelling and presses on the vessels, causing them to burst. Another cause of bruising is damage to the vessels by the needle.
Folk methods
Traditional medicine offers several answers to the question of how to get rid of bumps from injections using home remedies.

Here they are:
- Peel the raw potato, cut it in half and attach it to the seal.
- Dampen a clean cloth in hot water, soap it with soap and apply to bumps.
- Take a pickled cucumber, cut a piece to the size of the seal and attach for the night, gluing with a plaster. In the morning from the bumps from pricks on the buttocks will not remain a trace.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 3 tablespoons of alcohol. Gradually add flour, knead the elastic cake. Attach to the seal, wrap in cellophane and a warm cloth. Leave overnight.
- Mix 2 parts of baked onion with 1 part of household soap, rub well and attach to the compacted area overnight.

Pharmacy products
How to get rid of bumps from injections with pharmaceuticals?
- Mix in equal parts a solution of magnesium sulfate with alcohol, moisten a cotton swab with the mixture and apply a compress for an hour. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
- Mix the solution of Dimexid with alcohol in the ratio 1: 4, apply to the seal 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes.
- Apply propolis ointment or propolis tincture overnight to the lump, after having lubricated the seal with vegetable oil.
- Get the cream "Ambulance for bruises and bruises." Apply to the injection site 2 times a day.
- The rapid effect of resorption of hematomas (bruises) gives the use of ointments and gels "Troxevasin", "Heparin", "Lioton", as well as the drug "Badyaga"
Now you know how to get rid of bumps from injections. It remains only to make sure that there are no wounds on the skin before using the products.