/ / Why bones form on the big toes

Why do bones on the big toes

Deformation in the form of cones on the big toeappears due to deviation of it outwards, and the more the toe is tilted towards the others, the more pathology will develop - the bones on the toes become convex, there is a restriction when moving. The formation of cones occurs gradually, first the thumb tilts outwards, then from the inside you can notice the appearance of a small bulge - the bones. Initially, this formation does not cause discomfort and inconvenience.

With the development of the disease there is swelling,redness, pain. Pain may increase if a person suffers from arthritis or wears narrow shoes, thus increasing the pressure on the joint. With frequent wearing of narrow shoes, the appearance of corns, scuffs between fingers is possible, the pressure on the toe increases - the rate of formation of the ingrown nail increases.

The main causes of the appearance of pits

The first cause of unpleasant conesis the valgus pathology of the big toe. It is believed that women suffer mainly from wearing uncomfortable shoes with heels, but this myth has been dispelled by scientists who have long been engaged in research in this area. Undoubtedly, irregularly shaped shoes have a negative effect on the foot, but this is not the only factor in the development of the bone on the big toes. It turned out that primitive people suffered from a similar disease, although they did not wear similar shoes.

По мнению медиков к образованию шишек приводит lack of coordination of movement - the entire load falls on the foot section, as a result of which an imbalance of the metatarsophalangeal joint arises and, in combination with the wrong shoes, deformation of the first finger subsequently occurs. Bones on the big toes are only symptoms of changes in the biomechanics of the foot - not the last role is played by genetic predisposition (weak ligaments) and leg deformity.

Also, the appearance of cones is associated with transferredleg injuries (foot), disorders of the neuromuscular endings, flat-footedness. There is a high probability of the appearance of cones in ballerinas, since there is constant pressure on the foot.

Methods of treatment - how to remove the bones on the leg?

Until recently, the bones on the thumbslegs were subjected to normal cutting. This procedure was replaced by a more humane - laser, this method is very effective and will help in getting rid of unwanted disease. Drug and physiotherapy can only stop the progression of pathology and anesthetize, but completely cure - no. Therefore, the only option - surgery.

Bones on the legs treatment of folk remedies

Traditional medicine in this matter offers several options to solve this problem, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of the bumps by such methods - these are only additions to the main treatment.

· Applying felt fabric to the place of formation of the cone reduces pressure.

· 100 gr. crushed flowers with dandelion pour 1: 1 iodine, insist for four days. To make the iodine net on the problem place, every day for about two weeks.

· Take pharmaceutical turpentine and burdock leaves,To coat the front side of a burdock with turpentine and stick around the leg to the knee joint - this is the first layer. Put a torn plastic bag on it and wrap a leg with a woolen shawl. The foot should be warmer. If you experience discomfort and burning, eliminate turpentine, a similar procedure must be done for at least a month, it helps to improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.

Can recommend orthopedic insoles, theydistribute the load and prevent deformation. In order to maintain mobility in the joint, it is necessary to practice the exercises daily and abandon the uncomfortable shoes that bind the leg.