/ / How to remove bumps from injections?

How to remove bumps from injections?

Many, even adults, are afraid of injections.In fact, one should not be afraid of this unpleasant procedure, but of its consequences, because even after a single injection, such a nuisance as a bump from the injection can occur. Even more likely the occurrence of this complication of the procedures, if you need a long-term course of intramuscular injection of drugs.

Why are bumps from injections and canto avoid it? In order for the injection to go without consequences, you need to use high-quality syringes with a sufficiently long needle. Some patients believe that the use of a short needle makes the procedure of drug administration less painful. In fact, when using an insufficiently long needle, the drug does not enter the thickness of the muscle, but the subcutaneous fat layer, which not only leads to the formation of cones, but also reduces the effectiveness of the treatment.

Another condition that reduces the risk of educationcones, is a smooth and gradual introduction of medication. Only in this case it will be distributed evenly. The injection must be done in a relaxed muscle, which is why health workers always ask the patient to lie down before the procedure.

But what if the bumps from injections have already formed? Of course, you need to deal with this phenomenon, especially since it brings a lot of discomfort.

Before telling how to deal withI would like to warn you that if there was a large seal at the injection site and it was hot to the touch and very painful, you shouldn’t rely on popular methods, you should go to the surgeon to prevent the development of an abscess.

In other cases, when bumps from injections are nottoo big, you can try to cope with the help of "grandmother's" recipes. In folk medicine there are many methods to relieve swelling from a sore spot and reduce pain.

If you have lumps from injections, treatmentshould not be shelved. One of the most effective and, at the same time, simple treatment methods is the application of an iodine net. It is very simple to make it; we dip a Q-tip into the pharmacy tincture of iodine and draw a frequent mesh over the edematous area of ​​the skin.

Not bad relieves inflammation of the sheetwhite cabbage. To do this, a cleanly washed sheet must be attached to the sore spot with a plaster and left for several hours. Likewise, you can use salted cucumber. To do this, cut a piece of cucumber to the size of a lump and attach it to the sore spot.

Can be used for compresses and raw potatoes. To do this, rub the potatoes on a grater, wrap the resulting slurry in cheesecloth and apply to the place of solidification.

Not bad removes bumps from injections and tincturepropolis. Lubricate the sore spot with petroleum jelly or any fat cream. And on top we put a piece of bandage, folded several times and moistened with propolis tincture. Cover with cellophane film on top and fasten with plaster. Keep such a compress need not less than 4-6 hours.

Can be applied to sore spots and honeycakes. Mix a spoonful of butter and honey, add to this mass the yolk and flour. Flour need to take so much to make a soft dough. Pinch off the dough and attach the cakes to the places of seals. From above such flat cake is better to cover with cellophane.

If you do not really trust the popular methodstreatment, you can use and pharmacy tools. For example, make a compress with dimexidum. We dilute dimexide with vodka in the ratio of four to one and we wet a piece of folded bandage in the resulting solution. Lubricate the sore spot with petroleum jelly, then apply the prepared lotion, close the bandage with cellophane and fasten everything with a plaster. Such a compress can be done at night.

In addition, for the treatment of cones formed at the injection site, can be used ointment with heparin or troxerutin.