How to treat bumps after injections, knowsnot every. After all, this pathological phenomenon is rare, and only those who have been wrongly injected. It is worth mentioning that today there are so many ways how to treat bumps after injections. Which ones to use - only your personal choice. But if this deviation does not pass a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Cones after injections: how to treat by medical means

Of course, such an unpleasant phenomenon does not requirelong-term and costly therapy. After all, often cones formed after injections dissolve themselves. If this problem bothers you from an aesthetic point of view (for example, in the summer swimming season), then you can quickly get rid of it with the help of the following medical devices:
- Iodine.To use it, you should take a cotton swab and generously moisten it in iodine concentrate. After that on the affected area it is necessary to "draw" a small mesh. This procedure is recommended once a day just before bedtime.
- Heparin-containing ointments. Such gels are designed to remove puffiness from the damaged area, and also to remove hematomas and bruises. For this you can buy such creams as "Lyoton", "Gepatrombin", etc.
Now you know how to treat lumps after injections,using pharmacy means for this. However, it should be noted that there are also cheaper methods that help in a short time to eliminate this trouble. Let's consider some of them in more detail.
Folk treatment of cones after injections
Use non-traditional methods to eliminate hematomas that appear after injections, should be only if:

- the injection site does not bother;
- cones are probed, but do not cause any discomfort;
- the area after the injection did not turn red;
- cone is not hot.
If at least one of the presented symptoms bothers you, it is better not to self-medicate and go to the hospital.
So, let's consider the most effective folk methods, which will allow you to get rid of the hematoma very quickly.
- To resorb such cones should take a piece of salted cucumber, attach it to a bruise and fix it with a plaster. This procedure is best done in the evening before bedtime.
- The raw potatoes are also suitable for removing hematomas after injections. Its use is similar to the previous recipe.
- In order to understand how to treat cones afternyxes, many healers recommend using compresses. To do this, it is necessary to soak a piece of multilayer bandage in alcoholic tincture of propolis, and then apply it on the hematoma, having previously smeared the affected area with petroleum jelly.
- Well from this trouble helps fresh cabbage leaf, slightly broken off with a hammer.
When should I see a doctor?
Quite rarely, but there are still such cases when an ordinary injection leaves a serious complication behind. So, you should immediately consult a doctor if you have:

- the injection site is very red;
- increased body temperature;
- there were pains in the affected area (especially with pressure);
- slightly numb skin;
- swelling has formed;
- pus began to stand out.