/ / We prepare jam from spruce cones

We prepare jam from spruce cones

Strawberry or raspberry jam is known to everyone.Apple jam is also, perhaps, difficult to surprise anyone. But jam from spruce cones is not so common. At the same time, it is one of the most useful desserts - with its help you can defeat colds, beriberi, gum and throat diseases, respiratory diseases and even asthma.

Jam cones jam
Correctly prepared jam from spruce cones is full of useful phytoncides that help the body cope with pathogenic microorganisms. So how to make this amazing dessert?

Preparing for cooking

It starts with raw materials.Not all bumps will do, so you need to choose the right moment. In the middle band, cones ripen by the beginning of summer. Collect only the freshest, still soft and green, no more than four centimeters long. Only in this case will you get a delicious jam of pine cones, the use of which is invaluable in the treatment of colds and flu. In the hard and old fruits there is not so much phytoncide, they are unsuitable for food. So for the manufacture of this original drug, you will have to walk through the forest in late May or early June and carefully look for the right product. The cone should be easily cut with a knife or even pierced with a fingernail. Then it is exactly for your purposes. So, how to cook jam from fir cones?

Prescription of medicinal dessert

There are several ways of cooking.

Fir cone jam: recipe
The first is a classic jam from spruce cones.Go over from the needles and rubbish all collected, rinse and pour into an enamel pot. Fill with water so that it closes the cones by a centimeter and a half. Boil and add a kilogram of sugar per liter of liquid, wait for the boil again and lower the heat. On a slow fire, cook for about an hour and a half, periodically cleaning the foam. On the readiness can be judged by the color of the cones - they must be soaked with syrup and acquire a reddish hue.

The second recipe suggests cooking a kind of"honey". In fact, this is also a jam of spruce cones. How to cook it? Rinse and wash the cones, pour in the pan with water. Boil twenty minutes with the lid closed, then leave for a day in the room to stand. Get a greenish infusion. It needs to be poured into another pan, and bumps can be simply thrown away.

Fir cone jam: benefit
In the infusion, add a kilogram of sugar for eachliter and cook it for about an hour and a half. Please note that this jam from pine cones can be done only in enameled pots. Ready "honey" should be crimson shade. Still hot it needs to be poured on preheated cans. It is not necessary to sterilize, it will be stored for so long in any conditions.

Finally, the third way, which does not require cooking.Go through and rinse the bumps, each cut and run in sugar. Lay them in layers in cans. In doing so, pour each sugar. Cover the jam from the fir cones with gauze. Put it in a warm and dark corner and shake it periodically until the sugar dissolves completely. Such a dessert is incredibly useful in diseases of the respiratory system, and just to strengthen immunity is very good. It is enough to eat a dessert spoon of jam with hot water twice a day.