Издревле кедровый орех славится целебными properties. The process of its preparation is characterized by sufficient complexity, the main stage of which consists in cleaning from the shell. Previously, you had to do everything manually or use the simplest wooden devices, but today they were replaced by mechanical equipment, without which industrial production is impossible. It is worth noting that it is not without flaws, among which is damage to the grains by steel parts, which reduces the quality of the product.

There are special devices in whichsoaked grains and heated to a certain temperature, so they burst, but lose most of the useful properties. Gauge-crushing mechanism is the most common, a similar principle of action has a crusher for pine cones, used for manual peeling of the nut. The design of the apparatus includes many sieves in which grains of various caliber are sorted, after which they end up in the crushing compartment. The resulting nuts contain a minimum amount of shell, which is eliminated by hand. Also worth noting waste-free processing. After all, not only the kernels themselves have beneficial properties, but also shells with cones, they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

Self-made crusher for cedar cones
Nut harvesting can be made on sitecollection with peeling machines and a shell for collecting shells. Despite today's variety of devices, you should not neglect the possibility of independent production, as this will not only save money, but also make the device with optimal dimensions and characteristics.
Pine cone crusher optimallyfor processing a large amount of walnut, its principle of operation is similar to a rod mill. The basis of the design is a drum with a variety of metal pins, facing in different directions. It is placed on a special shaft, which is rotated using the engine or manually. Collected cones are placed in the bunker, in the process of rotating the drum, they are clamped with steel pins and crushed. After this, the grains mixed with the shell are sent for further processing.
How to make a crusher for pine cones
Изготовление машинки не вызывает особых difficulties and does not require large expenditures. The basis of the design is a bunker, the walls of which can be made of segments of steel sheet. The design is connected with screws M6 and special angles. It should be noted that the assembly is made after mounting the drum, for the semi-axes of which the slots in the walls with a radius of about 25 mm are pre-cut. Next to the grooves it is necessary to weld the bolts on which the elements of the bearing assemblies are fixed with the help of nuts.
For the drum, a piece of metal pipe is used, on which the peeling-shelling pins are screwed. The latter are steel rods with a diameter of 5 mm.

What you need to know
Manufacturing bearing housings worthentrust the professional, as they are machined in the form of solid figures with a complex shape. The crusher for the cedar cone is controlled by hand, with the help of a handle fixed on the right drum axis. The components of the handle can be made of pipe sections of suitable size. Next, you need to use a welding machine for a reliable connection of the axis, the shoulder of the handle and the sleeve.
It should be noted that the pine cone crusher It can be made not only from steel, but also from aluminum alloys, due to which the total mass of the device is significantly reduced.