Toxacorosis is a helminth disease caused by a toxocara parasite that is unusually similar to ordinary human ascaris.
Toxocars in children appear, as a rule, because ofcontact with animals - cats and dogs. According to statistics, the disease in Russia is observed in every 2-3 children. In the United States, this figure is much lower, however, about 800-1000 new cases appear each year.
Sources of infection
Сразу следует оговориться о том, что люди are only carriers of this disease, so it is impossible to get infected from a sick person. The reason is that for these parasites the human body is a rather unusual environment, therefore they cannot reach the mature state. It is quite another thing - dogs. Toxocaras in their bodies find the perfect breeding ground. These parasites get into the external environment, both with feces and with wool.
Causes of human disease
As a rule, animals become infected onlyprenatal transmammarny, and people - solely under the influence of external factors. Infection can occur through: animal hair, unwashed hands, contaminated water and food. In most cases, the main part of the disease is observed in the summer.
The risk group includes children playing in sandboxes; veterinarians; dog breeders; the hunters.
Toxocars - symptoms observed in the disease
Settling in humans, parasitesbegin to move from one organ system to another. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease becomes recurrent, protracted. Clinical symptoms appear depending on the host's immune system, the form of the disease, and the intensity of the infection. More details should be considered forms of the disease.
In case of cutaneous toxocariasis, allergic reactions, eczema, edema, itching and redness are observed in places where larvae accumulate.
When a large number of parasites accumulatedeveloping a visceral form of toxocariasis. In most cases, this form of the disease is observed in children due to insufficient development of the immune system. The main symptoms include:
- Recurrent fever.
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
- Enlarged liver.
- Cough, shortness of breath, heavy breathing and so on.
- Lymphadenopathy.
When toxocars penetrate into the brain, a neurological form of the disease is diagnosed. This form has the following symptoms:
- Hyperactivity
- Violation of attention.
- Difficulties in reading and so on.
Folk remedies in the treatment of toxocariasis.
Folk remedies for the treatment of toxocariasis can bequite effective, however, first of all, you need to consult on this issue with your doctor. Folk remedies for this disease, to a greater extent, go as ancillary, rather than basic.
Tokokary - treatment of the disease decoction of ash.
It is necessary to chop the bark very finely or youngbranches of ash. A teaspoon of the resulting raw material pour 200 ml of boiling water and keep on low heat for about 10 minutes. Wrap a hot saucepan in a blanket and let it brew for about an hour. Drink this broth after waking up and before bedtime on an empty stomach, in a tablespoon.
Toksokary - treatment of the disease decoction nine.
One tablespoon of the raw material is finely chopped and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Wrap the container in a blanket and leave overnight. This broth must be taken every three hours in a tablespoon.
Toksokary - treatment of the disease Kislitsy decoction.
One tablespoon of finely chopped raw materialspour boiling water (200 ml). Let it stand for several hours. Drink four tablespoons four times a day. This broth can also be used for the prevention of disease.
Toxocars that can be treatedboth medication and folk remedies, can cause diseases with a variety of forms of manifestations. Therefore, noticing the first symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist.