One of the key positions in largeOrganizations is a HR manager. Job description prescribes a fairly wide list of duties of such an employee and requirements for him. If the personnel manager works effectively, this is reflected in the smooth functioning of all levels of the organization, as well as an increase in profit volumes.

A little about the profession
Крайне важная фигура организации - менеджер по staff development. Job description gives an idea of the specifics of this profession, but does not quite explain its importance. In fact, the personnel manager is a real researcher who must select high-quality personnel from hundreds of people and develop them further. In addition, it bears the burden of painstaking paperwork.
Не стоит путать менеджера по персоналу с familiar personnel officer familiar to all since Soviet times. This is a fundamentally new position for the national consciousness, which is characteristic, as a rule, for large enterprises. That it is responsible for the quality of labor of employees. If something went wrong, then this is a mistake of the personnel manager, and he is obliged to correct it.
This post belongs to the management teamcompanies - personnel training manager. Job description therefore gives him a certain freedom of action. In addition, the CEO does not have to control every step of his personnel manager.

General Provisions
The job description of the personnel manager determines the place of this employee in the organization, the scope of his activities and certain requirements.
The general provisions of the document are formulated as follows:
- HR Manager refers to the management team.
- The applicant for this vacancy should have a full higher education.
- A person who has at least three years experience in the field of personnel may be appointed to the position.
- The manager reports directly to the top management of the organization.
- During the absence of a personnel manager, his duties are performed by a deputy appointed by the general director.
- The authority to appoint and dismiss the personnel manager is entrusted to the general director.

What the specialist should know
The job description of the personnel manager determines the basic area of knowledge that a person holding the specified position should possess.
That's what it is about:
- legislative framework governing the work with employees;
- labor laws;
- organization strategy and goals;
- methods of analysis of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the staff;
- techniques for predicting future staffing requirements;
- fundamentals of psychology, sociology and labor economics;
- theoretical foundations and practical skills of personnel management;
- systems and forms of remuneration;
- methods of promoting productivity;
- the procedure for the conclusion and termination of employment contracts, as well as the settlement of disputes;
- methods for assessing and analyzing the results of labor of employees;
- personnel documentation standards;
- fundamentals of pedagogy;
- basics of conflict management and methods of dispute resolution;
- labor safety standards;
- situation in the labor market and education;
- training and advanced training methods.

What is guided by a specialist
Job description of the HR manager determines the list of documentation that should guide the specialist in their work.
That's what it is about:
- internal regulatory documents of the organization;
- rules of the internal labor schedule;
- labor protection rules;
- safety documentation;
- top management orders;
- direct job description;
- national and local regulations.
Official duties
The main section of the job description of the personnel manager relates to the duties of a specialist.
These include the following:
- Organization of work with staff in accordance with the strategy of the enterprise.
- Timely determination of the need for staff.
- Timely provision of the company with employees with the necessary level of education, qualifications and professional experience.
- Study of the labor market in order to identify development trends and potential sources of qualified personnel.
- Interviewing applicants for the vacant position.
- Work with graduates of educational institutions in order to find young promising personnel.
- Training.
- Coordination of staff development.
- Bringing to staff information about key decisions of senior management of the enterprise.
- Assessment of the labor of employees through monitoring and certification.
- Participation in consideration of the promotion or demotion, transfer or dismissal of an employee.
- Development of a system for assessing the personal and professional qualities of employees.
- Consultation of heads of departments and general management on personnel management.
- Participation in the resolution of labor disputes and disputes.
- Registration and ordering documentation.
- Direct management of subordinates.
- Compliance and support of internal labor discipline.
- Compliance with the law, as well as the rules established in the organization.

Specialist rights
In addition to duties, rights are also spelled out in the job description of the personnel manager.
A sample of this section is as follows:
- Make suggestions for improving the organization, awarding employees and material penalties.
- Request from the heads of departments the necessary information about employees.
- Examine documents containing information about the rights and obligations of a specialist, as well as those that are necessary to directly ensure the workflow.
- Familiarize yourself with management decisions regarding its activities.
- Require management to create appropriate and comfortable working conditions.
- Require compliance with labor laws.

Responsibility of the specialist
A certain degree of responsibility also refers to the job description of the personnel manager.
According to the professional standard the following items are marked:
- For inadequate or incomplete execution of official duties (within the framework of labor legislation).
- For offenses committed by a specialist in the process of execution of official duties (within the framework of administrative, civil and criminal legislation).
- For the organization of material damage (as part of labor and civil law).
- For failure to comply with orders and instructions of senior management (within the internal rules of the enterprise).
- For providing false information about their own work and the results of the work of their department (within the internal rules of the company).

Why do you need instructions?
Job description of the HR manager (or any other employee) is a mandatory document in any enterprise. It can be said that this is a documented work order.
If there is no such instruction, the following negative consequences are possible for the organization:
- The employee does not know his authority, therefore, can not fully perform the work.
- It is quite difficult to determine if a person meets the position if there are no documented requirements for the applicant.
- The manager will be guided in the selection of personnel not by the interests and needs of the organization, but by their personal likes.
- Lower-level HR managers will not be subordinate to their immediate supervisor, will fulfill their duties unfairly or not fully.
- The manager will not be aware of changes in labor laws, which may cause problems for the company with regulatory authorities.